What did you do in the garden today?

Picking okra, cayenne, jalapeno, bell peppers, got what looks like the last crop of pink eye purple hulls today.
Soon the fall crop of peas and beans will be giving.
My ongoing deer war now has me with a 6 ft electric fence, then 6 ft of rope and streamers over that.
My electric fence has 6 strands now because they figured how to squeeze through without being shocked.
The deer almost won the war this spring as I was preparing to quit gardening for them.
Oh and still have a couple water melons and a few rows of peanuts to look forward to.
So, how many gardens are being tucked away with this cold snap we had? I think my weeds have finally won out but I have peanuts and sweet potatoes still to harvest and those black-eyed peas still marching along. I think most of my tomatoes have bit the bullet except for the itty bitty currant ones that came up on their own. The chickens love those.
My apples won best of show at the fair! I'm so tickled. Also got firsts on lemon balm, oregano, sage, spaghetti squash, tomatoes, and butternut. Oh and jalapenos. My potatoes looked like munchkins compared to the rest. Lol. People had enormous pumpkins already. I don't understand how they get them grown and harvested so fast so big ... and I've been gardening for 36 years now.
On the pumpkins, those honking big ones are a special variety, grown especially for their large size. I'm guessing they're stringy and void of flavor. I'll take a nice little "sugar pie" pumpkin any day over one of those bulbous mis-shapen monstrosities any day of the week. And If I was a judge, the little pie pumpkin would take the blue ribbon.
Hello All!!! Had a crazy summer in New York. Our tomatoes went crazy until the end of July and then stopped producing. They are fruiting again now but I am afraid it has gotten too cold too fast. Jalapeno, Banana, Cayenne, and Cherry peppers went crazy all season! So did the cucumbers and some of the eggplants! Its is so fascinating to me how crops differ from one year to the next. Meanwhile our blueberry bush did not fruit at all but the raspberries are producing crazier than ever!!! Also I got three pumpkins this year!! (after 4 years of trying!) Unfortunately I did get the 'fluffy mildew" I tried to use a baking soda / water concoction and a milk / water mix but its slowly chocking out my plant no matter what I do! Any suggestions?
Hello All!!! Had a crazy summer in New York. Our tomatoes went crazy until the end of July and then stopped producing. They are fruiting again now but I am afraid it has gotten too cold too fast. Jalapeno, Banana, Cayenne, and Cherry peppers went crazy all season! So did the cucumbers and some of the eggplants! Its is so fascinating to me how crops differ from one year to the next. Meanwhile our blueberry bush did not fruit at all but the raspberries are producing crazier than ever!!! Also I got three pumpkins this year!! (after 4 years of trying!) Unfortunately I did get the 'fluffy mildew" I tried to use a baking soda / water concoction and a milk / water mix but its slowly chocking out my plant no matter what I do! Any suggestions?

I have 600 pumpkin plants and got powdery mildew for the second year in a row! tried baking soda and all that stuff nothing really work for me! Don't want to use any chemical stuff but i can't lose this much again!

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