What did you do in the garden today?

Yes, they really are pretty!
thank you both.. a couple more have opened in the last couple hours, it's very windy today and I was afraid the petals would get blown off... Three different kinds of my strawberries will have flowers soon, I will post them when they do
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I have a dwarf peach tree that bloomed for the first time this year and it is abt. 4 yrs. old. I have not seen any bees out as it has been cloudy and raining. So I pollinated the blooms hoping for a fruit this year!
Sorry forgot you are further north than I am. In a compost pile perhaps??? Is yours open?
Nope, nothing open. 3 more inches of snow last night.

I woke up to see my cherry tree got its first flowers ever today!

Thank you so very much for that beautiful photo. I'll take that vision to sleep with me tonight!

I bought some large peat pots yesterday, and plan to pot up all the trees. That should hold them until I can get my slash piles burned (2 piles each the size of my house) and get the soil amended so they can be planted.
Planted my strawberries and basil and harvested more asparagus. The broccoli is heading out well, apple trees still blooming, currants in full bloom, and we have little baby peaches for the first time in three years!! I am soooo happy
THe snow is clearing away here, just a few piles in the shady areas. THe fruit trees are still asleep, thought the buds are swelling. I dont expect flowers for a while yet. THe photo above gave me hope Spring will arrive. Just need more patience. lol

Chickadoodles--- great thinking to help those bees out by pollinating the flowers yourself.

QUestions for all---- I have sage in a starter bed in the house and they need transplanting now that the second leaves are out. Can I plant them deeper than the original level?? Or not. All need repotting.

Second question. Chives are notsprouting. :( Same starter mix, and the sage is doing fine. Seed is as old as the sage seeds. 1-2 years--perhaps too old or something happened to them ( too hot, too cold, some thing else, ??) I'm determined to not need so many onions and chives seem to be the simple solution.
I am not sure you can get a definite answer on the chives. Some seeds will sprout for years and some won't sprout the next. I keep mine in the bottom shelf of the fridg in a bag. Maybe the chives just need more time to sprout?

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