What did you do in the garden today?

Made lettuce strips today. With the help of the kids who enjoyed placing one seed per drop of flour/water goo on inch inch strips of paper toweling. Make them was easy. Hoping that this trial will work as the purchased tapes ran over $6 per 6 feet of tape ( Burpee).
12 eighteen strips should be a good start to test this method of black simpson!!
For anyone who m ight know-- having trouble finding info on when and how to p lant fennel. Not sure of time to p lant in relation to frost and other plants it might or might NOT like. Anyone??????
I can let mine stay outside over winter and it will come up from the bulb, but we do not get below 20 degrees very often.
I start the seedlings inside.
If you are expecting a frost, you could place small pots over the seedlings.
I do that when I transplant and -by my bare hands- change the weather report to frosts.
Oh, I know that feeling. We had these mesh trays that I had to set the pots in then flip another mesh tray over them and weigh them down with a brick.
Hulk hogan mouse.
My rogue chicken dug up my asparagus and broke off four stalks.
Then it destroyed three of my strawberry plants, ate all of my cabbage transplants, and half a row of peas. She is now in chicken jail awaiting her fate tomorrow.
saw my first potato plants sticking out of the hill! strawberries are blooming and I am pretty positive some of the wild ones are sending runners out already?! and its raining... radishes and a couple new carrots sprouted also.. all kinds of fun here.
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Yesterday, marked the new rows with stakes, ripped out the old (nasty) fence, moved half the fenceposts to accommodate the new rows, rolled the fencing wire in preparation for putting it back up.

Today: who knows! Maybe SixSpouse will mow the lawn (the one outdoor task that ensures I can't breathe, thanks allergies) and then I will put the fence back up.

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