What did you do in the garden today?

Spring is getting everyone in the gardens! I love it! The rain woke me up this morning at 3 am. lol And it is going to rain all week. I need a boat again already!
Caught a fatty and let him loose AWAY from the house. Set up trap AGAIN!! Moved plants UP out of reach for now. Looks like the smelly cheese is more of a draw than eating his vegies.
I didnt know what to buy after a bit of researching. LEft me totally mixed up what to select; too many choices. So while at the hardware store picked up the Jump Start Grow Light system. 24 wattts, 2000initial lumens; 6400k-full day light spectrum t-5 tube rated for 20,000 hours. It has worked well in past years for good strong starts.

( Need the ext cord to get it plugged in again for this year.)
Good to know, we saw that one online and considered getting it. Just replanted the seeds two days ago, so we may get it.

Wish it weren't quite so expensive, though. We adopted a dog about 7 months ago, and he has been on slow kill heartworm treatment for almost a year now. With no improvement in his heartworm load as of his test last Friday, the vet wanted to try the fast kill method which is much more expensive, particularly so for a 100+lb dog. Poor puppy is sore from his injections today, so I'm hoping he's okay. Don't want to lose our big furry lap dog.
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For the past few weeks, I have been digging trenches to divert water around my coop and run. All the permafrost, rain and temps above and below freezing didn't help. Finally, after two hurricane wind days, the trenches are empty except for leaves. I got to plant a lilac bush and start un-burying my Irises and Hostas! (sp?) Dug out some junk trees and brambly pickers that were growing against the foundation/basement of the house. It was so nice out for a while, I was gonna sow some JJ's and Violas but I got chilled and these old bones are screaming at me now! it seemed like forever for the chickens to go to bed! I can only let them out for a little while before dusk bc of foxes and stand gun ready the whole time! I'm happy but pooped!

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