What did you do in the garden today?

SixSpouse mowed the new-garden area, but I didn't get out and dig yet. orz
Maybe tonight! I was awfully sore yesterday, but today is better.
I love that spring is popping everywhere! Life it great!
Oh glorious spring!!! It has arrived!!! And it's in full swing. The snow is off the garden, and believe it or not, there is very little frost. I can be thankful for all the snow we had in that regard. There is NO frost where things like rebar and sorghum stalks were sticking up out of the snow. And it's not very deep elsewhere. So, I can be planting as soon as time allows, and I get things moved around to allow for this year's planting format. I want to move the cattle panel green house off the garden. That will take some hard work, b/c it's settled into the ground, and the bottom framing is getting punky. But, I think that with some leverage applied to the metal framing, as well as some digging and prying under the wood frame, we should be able to lever it up onto some PVC pipe. Then, it's just a matter of rolling it up the hill about 40' to put it in line with the new coop.

The fire marshal finally showed up to look at my 2 huge slash piles today. His response: "No Problem!" Well, no problem to him, but... big problem to hubby and I. Those piles are each as big as our house, and they sit very close to the existing tree line, and there's a huge pine tree towering over one of those piles. So, Mr. Fire Marshal will round up some of his boys and come make those piles disappear on Saturday.
We'd gladly take it. We're supposed to get a good drenching later this week ... but they've said that before too and we got nothing. We started April with only 2 inches of rain for the year after an almost completely dry winter. We never got enough snow or ice to cover the grass.

It has rained for so long I am afraid my catfish are gonna drown! We can't plant anything.

20% chance Saturday....100% Sunday.

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