What did you do in the garden today?

Just sprayed fish emulsion on some tomato and pepper plants and corn seedlings. I noticed my potatos are beging to flower now. These i planted in mid Feb.
We are sand. sand, and more sand.

That right there is why we went with an AP system, we have about 1/16" of topsoil on our place. To be honest thought it is a lot of work to set one up and then keep monitoring the water and things. Our neighbors two acres over live on a piece of land that is situated just downhill from the surrounding plots and anytime it rains the little amount of topsoil we all have gets washed down to them. They hauled in a couple of tons of horse manure and tilled it all together and are sitting on what will probably be an out of control 60'x40' garden from Hades. Family of 5 adults and one child. That garden right now has a dozen hot pepper plants, about the same number of bell pepper plants, 25 tomato plants, something like 8 varieties of squash/melon, etc....
I have been looking at the aquaponics thread and have decided that I will try strawberries in rain gutters and lava rock and see how we do.
I wish we could grow lettuce, but I guess our temperatures are too erratic anymore.
I am afraid if we only have a few fish they will become pets. Which might be okay. Maybe koi will add a fun visit to the garden.



My boys and our greenhouse

Wow we want a greenhouse, oh um, botanical laboratory
Still harvesting asparagus in our rainy spring. Something is eating my strawberries though. I'm suspicious that I have a little turtle in them. It's either that or wild birds. Peas still haven't bloomed but they are still growing like mad. Potatoes are about four feet tall. I've never seen them get this big before. Peach tree is loaded. I counted 30 peaches on one branch. I keep thinking I should prune them but ... peach jam and all ...
I have been looking at the aquaponics thread and have decided that I will try strawberries in rain gutters and lava rock and see how we do.
I wish we could grow lettuce, but I guess our temperatures are too erratic anymore.
I am afraid if we only have a few fish they will become pets. Which might be okay. Maybe koi will add a fun visit to the garden.
That's OK if they become pets! I know vegans that have goldfish and koi in their aquaponics system and of course the fish never get eaten. They are there as system components to make healthy plants.

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