What did you do in the garden today?

I haven't been out to the garden yet this morning, but we've been slowly converting it from an inground garden to a raised bed garden with hardware cloth on the bottom because of our gopher/vole problem, the little stinkers!

So we have 1 short and 2 long boxes in, been putting old leaf mold, compost and grass clippings to start filling them up. Once we get the rest of the veggies harvested this fall, and knocked down, we'll put in the other 2-3 raised beds, and then are having some nice garden soil delivered and put in there by some nice young guys who have more strength and energy than I do ;)

This year I started every thing from seed, since I thought we were moving (and we decided to stay), but things turned out fantastic anyway, Chard out the wazoo, sweet corn almost ready, green beans (about done now), tomatoes, roma, grape and better boy, still green but tons of tomatoes! Strawberries, basil, oregano, chives, dill, pepper (sweet). Oh and some very very tall sunflowers as well. Very tall! Dh took a picture of me beside them and I am super short compared to the plants. Also have sweet potatoes and russet potatoes going too in one of the finished raised beds.

The nice thing about this garden is I haven't taken it very seriously, and been happy with its production.


One day it will have a pretty fence around it, I think. Right now has a temporary stick in the ground fence.

I used to live in southern Florida, so I hear you on the heat. Here in north Idaho we are getting a break today with rain and 64*. And I see my first zucchini blossom out there, as well as lima beans, bush beans, dill and a few other things germinating. We have a short season here, but I think they'll produce fine. I stil have a hunch about some rodent out there but haven't located it yet. I just hope the ground squirrels don't get ideas about the goodies.
I haven't been out to the garden yet this morning, but we've been slowly converting it from an inground garden to a raised bed garden with hardware cloth on the bottom because of our gopher/vole problem, the little stinkers! So we have 1 short and 2 long boxes in, been putting old leaf mold, compost and grass clippings to start filling them up. Once we get the rest of the veggies harvested this fall, and knocked down, we'll put in the other 2-3 raised beds, and then are having some nice garden soil delivered and put in there by some nice young guys who have more strength and energy than I do ;) This year I started every thing from seed, since I thought we were moving (and we decided to stay), but things turned out fantastic anyway, Chard out the wazoo, sweet corn almost ready, green beans (about done now), tomatoes, roma, grape and better boy, still green but tons of tomatoes! Strawberries, basil, oregano, chives, dill, pepper (sweet). Oh and some very very tall sunflowers as well. Very tall! Dh took a picture of me beside them and I am super short compared to the plants. Also have sweet potatoes and russet potatoes going too in one of the finished raised beds. The nice thing about this garden is I haven't taken it very seriously, and been happy with its production. :) One day it will have a pretty fence around it, I think. Right now has a temporary stick in the ground fence.
That's a beautiful start....Happy gardening!
Why don't you grow sweet potatoes or southern peas?

I'd love too, just need to add them to my list of seeds to find.

Sweet potatoes are grown from slips. Just stick a sweet potato in a glass of water on a sunny windowsill and shoots will start growing. Cut them off and root in water then plant. Just takes a few days.

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