What did you do in the garden today?

Watered will water again tonight even with all rain we had in June things are getting pretty dry here. Don't think those portable plastic greenhouse would last here, last wind storm knocked road signs down seem to be getting more tornadoes. WInter sowing works well for me and NYS hasn't figured out how to take it yet! Enjoy your day off to my first Renaissance Fair .
Been donating excess zucchini and yellow squash to the local food bank. We have made about 6 drop offs since they started coming in. I think we are up to about 200 or 300 lbs of that donated. Corn is just coming in. Got about 10 ears off, going to be donating excess to the food bank. We also got about 9 pumpkins off the 4 hills we planted, another 6 or 8 green on the vine. Peppers didn't do well. Something kept eating the leafs and only 2 of my peppers types are doing well. My green peppers are getting blossom end rot. I will be applying some home remedies when I get a chance. We have canned about 5 gallons about green beans. All the rest will be given away and donated. Pulled about 30 lbs of Romas, started making salsa. Next will be tomato sauce and excess to the food bank. Pulled about 25 or 30 eggplants. We ate about 10 and donated the rest. We should get another 30 or 40 out of them before end of the season. We plan on making a roasted eggplant dip with the next batch. Made 10 pints of pickles last night. Cukes have just started really producing well. Pulled 20 off yesterday. We donated about 10 or 20lbs of cukes to the food bank. The whole reason we went this big with the garden was to do the donation thing, doing pretty well I think. Hope everyone else is doing well.
My aunt works at a center for disabled adults...down syndrome...mostly I think...I gave them tons of "extra" veggies...meaning I was burnt out on putting up every thing...they were EXTREMELY EXCITED...about getting fresh veggies...definitely recommend it
Corn has been silking. So, I had to buy some misc. supplies to complete electric fencing around the garden. Both garden and chicken run are electrified now, and trap set for Rocky second night in a row. Hope to hear him yelling tonight!!!
Canned beets this week used the pressure cooker for the first time 35 quarts, playing with idea of canning soups. Does anybody can on two burner camp fire stove? Is it stable enough to run large caner and stock pot on how is flame control? Should I just buy cheap gas stove for the porch just make more sense heat wise and wear tear on the kitchen to set up summer kitchen clean.
Battling a summer head cold at present, so gardening activities curtailed to just the bare essentials (watering, harvesting whatever is very ripe).... read that as weeds get a holiday to do whatever they want until the weekend.

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