What did you do in the garden today?

Finally a decent, not-too-hot day to pot up plants I want to take with when I move! Got quite a few things potted up. Just have to keep them alive until next month!
Picked some ripe maters, sliced them thin and put them in the dehydrator. First time I've tried this, so oughta be interesting. Will be hoeing out some weeds later on towards sundown and also putting up some old ladders in the garden for vines to climb...the spaghetti squash and pumpkins are going quickly towards the garden fence for a place to climb and I'd like to avoid that. Last year a pumpkin grew right up the deer netting fence, grew through it, and produced pumpkins that were hanging from it....too much stress on the fence.
My dehydrator came today.  Hope to start using it this weekend.  

I love my dehydrator!
Slice garlic and onions thin, then when dry crisp, I use my food processor to make garlic powder and onion flakes.
Dice peppers to 1/2 inch, to make pepper flakes.
Tomatoes in 1/4 inch slices, dip in cup of water with a tsp of canning salt and dehydrate to leather hard. Pack in jars.
Raisins from seedless grapes, banana chips, prunes...and fruit leathers on freezer paper.
Pears and apples sliced 1/8 slices make great snacks too.
Apricots and peaches dipped in fruit fresh dehydrate well too.
Herbs, dried and crumbled
My family loves beef jerky and deer jerky,
We have been short on rain the past two months while neighboring counties have had flooding. The storms split and go around us or fizzle out before getting to us.....so we have been watering our raised beds.
Picked okra, squash, tomatoes, several pepper varieties and two lovely cantaloupe today.
Plan to smoke some Jalapenos and then dehydrate for chipotle powder.
Picked dill heads for dill seed for pickles.
I just posted a great gardening post on my bog! Check it out!
The link is in my bio
My question is when I crack some of my eggs the whites are really thick and the yolk is runny or just breaks as I crack it . What does this meN ?
My question is when I crack some of my eggs the whites are really thick and the yolk is runny or just breaks as I crack it . What does this meN ?

Means it's summer time and the eggs change accordingly as the bird's bodies attempt to cool down and fluids are lost. Just give them plenty of water, give them plenty of shade and ventilation and wait a bit...it will all change soon enough.

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