What did you do in the garden today?

@Ninja Squirrel and @karenerwin - we totally get the sod challenges!! It is so heavy!! We had to improve some drainage (several posts around Late Sept/Oct in this thread about the project), but it was a big project...11 ft widex65ft, then 5 ft wide x 80+ ft. (This area was shallowed out) then a 75ft long berm we constructed by first cutting sod, Building up the dirt, replacing the sod. It took A LOT of work, and not even fun garden work! So you have my sympathies.

sunny yesterday (after night/morning rain), but I did not feel very good most of the day so did not get out much ...no, not worried I got THE virus, but I feel better and more energetic today.

Spouse is the designated shopper since spouse is essential and has to physically go into work. Today was the grocery run and I now have some rhubarb to make “Rhubard Custard Bars”. Sounds odd, but hopefully they are good. FWIW, this recipe was in a publication I just received in the mail.
Plans for today: Till more soil, sprinkle chicken compost and crushed egg shells along with ash and till some more. We live on a ridge and our soil is really poor quality. We throw anything we can think of on it to try to improve it but clay is clay and there is about a foot of top soil over it so it needs all the help it can get.

Coffee grounds increase nitrogen in the soil? Cool!
Ugh, I feel your pain. Why is it that everyone who wants to garden gets clay?!
Based on the research I've done, I was considering either low nitrogen or sun burn. I'll try the coffee grounds idea as I have some I haven't tossed into the compost bin yet. Thanks for the advice.
Could be sunburn .
I'm going off some advice another person told me relating to sun burn and to cut the affected leaf off the plant?? Plants seem healthy otherwise.
Based on the research I've done, I was considering either low nitrogen or sun burn. I'll try the coffee grounds idea as I have some I haven't tossed into the compost bin yet. Thanks for the advice.

I'm going off some advice another person told me relating to sun burn and to cut the affected leaf off the plant?? Plants seem healthy otherwise.
I wouldnt personally. If its sunburnt that leaf should just fall off on its own regardless. If its low nitrogen it might be able to keep the leaf. It's so small right now anything could be detrimental. I'd just add more nitrogen and keep her in low light. Broccoli doesnt like a lot of sun
Good morning gardeners. It's a lovely day here. I got out to water and pulled a few weeds this morning. I harvested 6 more artichokes and there are still quite a few tiny ones that are too small to harvest yet. The grass is starting to recover, all that rain definitely helped. The bougainvillea is blooming like crazy too. The trees are leafing out after their trim and looking very happy. I put out some fly traps today, all that rain helped them as well, blech. Have a great day everyone!
Winds howling over 40 at the moment. I had to run out and shut barn and coop windows and chase some furniture as the winds shirted 180 degrees. It's brought a LOT of dust with it.

So No working outside anymore today. I feel like I am covered in yuck.

I'll finish baking bread and put up a couple of meals for the freezer, and get supper started for tonight. Then back to sewing.
Thanks @Ninjasquirrel. We drink a lot of coffee so there are always grounds to be had....plus we have a lot of Amish traffic up and down our road when things are normal so I'm usually out shoveling up horse road apples out of the road and transferring them to the garden as fertilizer.

@igorsMistress my back is singing today and frankly, it's an off tune, screech that finally sent me inside to rest. DH did get a large section of dirt tilled and I got a temporary fence up to keep the dogs out of the garden.

The weather here is just plain hot today. Very strange for this time of the year but it's nice to see things turning green.

The clay here is a constant battle. If we are planting a fruit tree we put drywall scraps in the hole to treat the soil. We also use stove ash but it's a constant work in progress.
Thanks @Ninjasquirrel. We drink a lot of coffee so there are always grounds to be had....plus we have a lot of Amish traffic up and down our road when things are normal so I'm usually out shoveling up horse road apples out of the road and transferring them to the garden as fertilizer.

@igorsMistress my back is singing today and frankly, it's an off tune, screech that finally sent me inside to rest. DH did get a large section of dirt tilled and I got a temporary fence up to keep the dogs out of the garden.

The weather here is just plain hot today. Very strange for this time of the year but it's nice to see things turning green.

The clay here is a constant battle. If we are planting a fruit tree we put drywall scraps in the hole to treat the soil. We also use stove ash but it's a constant work in progress.
I'll bet your back hurts! Get some good rest today.

Good ol' gypsum. I put some in almost every hole I dig here. I've been using aloe to help break things up too. The roots are pretty shallow and spread out more than down. After a couple of years I dig it all up and plant pups somewhere else, then use that area for whatever I actually want to plant there.
hey fellow gardeners:) I have half my 16x30 garden plot planted, corn and beans starting to come up, squash seedlings transplanted, and artichokes doing ok. small still so no chokes yet.
still harvesting my remaining spinach, lettuce and a few tomatoes.
AZ has a heavy clay soil too, I've added a LOT of goat, chicken and horse manure over the years so in theory it should be good.
My biggest battle is weeds, ALL the weeds

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