What did you do in the garden today?

So.. Anyone have tips on companion planting? I drew up a map that I'll share in a moment, but curious if anyone has tried it for veggies.

By companion planting, I'm guessing you mean planting things next to each other that complement one another?

It depends on how fertile your soil is.

But where I live people used to quite often plant peas under high foliage plants to help them resist the sun and get more peas in hot sunny months. This is one type of companion planting.

Another is to plant basil all around anything that gets eaten by bugs. The basil helps insects be deterred. I've been told this also works with marigolds also but I've had a hard time with getting the marigolds to survive last year and didn't get a chance to test it. But supposedly marigolds work.

Now one thing I've seen where I live is that while the vegetable plants are smaller just about everything and its brother tries to kill and eat my bean plants. Snails, ants, pests... you name it, they all go for the bean plants first.

So that's what got me into trying to put basil or marigolds around the beans first.

Ducks so far can be around potato plants without any trouble. They are leaving mine alone anyway. This is a type of symbiotic deal that seems to work. Videos on the internet that I've seen also show ducks keeping bugs off stuff like squash plants also.

(But some things the ducks do like to eat.)

I think there's other types of companion plants also.

But some things shouldn't be done by each other.

For example, both potatoes and corn use a LOT of resources. They probably shouldn't be by other things that want the same resources.

Some people also like to put soil builders between things that use lots of resources, etc.

Hope that helps.
I transplanted over 64 pepper plants today that we grew from seed indoors. It was an equal mix of California Wonder bell peppers, banana peppers, jalapenos, and habaneros. I also planted approx. 100 onions. I need to get another bag of onions though because the first one only filled half the onion patch.

I still haven't been able to till the ground level side of the garden. Most off the excess rain water has been absorbed into the ground, but there's still a deep puddle in one spot and one or two shallow puddles. The ground is also too wet all over. I'm hoping things are better tomorrow since today was a nice, sunny day and things continued to dry up. I really need to get tomatoes, zucchini and yellow squash transplanted. They are all getting overgrown for starters.
By companion planting, I'm guessing you mean planting things next to each other that complement one another?

It depends on how fertile your soil is.

But where I live people used to quite often plant peas under high foliage plants to help them resist the sun and get more peas in hot sunny months. This is one type of companion planting.

Another is to plant basil all around anything that gets eaten by bugs. The basil helps insects be deterred. I've been told this also works with marigolds also but I've had a hard time with getting the marigolds to survive last year and didn't get a chance to test it. But supposedly marigolds work.

Now one thing I've seen where I live is that while the vegetable plants are smaller just about everything and its brother tries to kill and eat my bean plants. Snails, ants, pests... you name it, they all go for the bean plants first.

So that's what got me into trying to put basil or marigolds around the beans first.

Ducks so far can be around potato plants without any trouble. They are leaving mine alone anyway. This is a type of symbiotic deal that seems to work. Videos on the internet that I've seen also show ducks keeping bugs off stuff like squash plants also.

(But some things the ducks do like to eat.)

I think there's other types of companion plants also.

But some things shouldn't be done by each other.

For example, both potatoes and corn use a LOT of resources. They probably shouldn't be by other things that want the same resources.

Some people also like to put soil builders between things that use lots of resources, etc.

Hope that helps.
Something like that, haha! I'm not too sure myself, someone mentioned it amd off to google I went.. This is what I've mapped out, with basil and marigolds sporadically planted..
I transplanted over 64 pepper plants today that we grew from seed indoors. It was an equal mix of California Wonder bell peppers, banana peppers, jalapenos, and habaneros.

@BReeder! If you don't mind, please keep us posted on those peppers. I collect a lot of seeds and I'm always looking for hearty breeds. Planted some today, in fact.

P.S. I don't know if your little one is into peppers yet, but my Ayla has loved the mini-sweets since his age. This is my first year in trying to sow since we have our own property. We shall see...
I planted some gorgeous annuals in the shade, picked up sticks from our 200+ year old White Oak from the storm, and tried to figure out what weird plant came up in the fifth row of all the beans, potatoes and corn we planted 😂. Showed some nice people around our flocks and sold some eggs. Got advice on goat tending if we decide to go that route. Great day to watch my hennies and guineas dust bathe and enjoy Spring.
How do you guys find people to get manure garden fertilizer from? Do you guys find friends?

This time I was lucky to get it by a miracle.

But if it hadn't happened where I literally bumped int someone giving it away I would have gone without. And its too expensive to buy bags of it at Cal Ranch stores or others because even though their bags are cheap it takes literally dozens and dozens of bags just to coat the back yard from all the lost fertilizers of previous years!

And it took awhile also to convince other family members also that it wouldn't stink and be worth it when they were digging in their heels the last 2 years that also needed it.

The most frustrating thing with gardening for me has been other family members interference. Like my dad wants to wage a 3 month war against star of bethlehem and white top weeds because he's bipolar, and doesn't really want to get serious on actually growing stuff.
I'm not sure where you're located, but here in Arkansas I just find a neighbor with what I want and ask.

My preferred is rabbit, but I take horse too.
They are so adorable!! :love although I’m thinking Lucky may have a different father lol so cute though.
All the puppies looked like both of these. I think the only ones with blue eyes were all the light colored dogs. One had 1 blue and one brown eye. We had wanted her but they said she was already claimed.
All the puppies looked like both of these. I think the only ones with blue eyes were all the light colored dogs. One had 1 blue and one brown eye. We had wanted her but they said she was already claimed.
Sometimes litters can have multiple fathers, believe it or not, which is why sometimes you get some puppies that look completely different from each other or not related at all haha or like sometimes you’ll get a few that look similar and then a few more that look similar to each other but different than the other few, etc. even each individual puppy can sometimes be different. 😂🤣

So it’s possible there’s something else in there too.

Not that it matters at all, they’re adorable, I’m just super into this stuff haha

They do both look like Lab mixes and Zelda def looks Rott but its interesting (at least to me) because neither of those breeds have the blue eyes or the white markings either which is why I was also thinking there might be something else in Lucky. Possibly Aussie or Husky or something. He almost looks a bit like a boxer to me too although I don’t think they have those eyes either so idk. Will be interesting to watch them grow for sure!!!

And sorry, I’m probably coming off like a know it all or something. :lau :oops:

I just love trying to figure out breeds which probably sounds super weird to most people. :lau :oops:

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