What did you do in the garden today?

I'm as red as a steaming fresh Maine Lobster. That's even with several re-applications of my sunscreen. The air was so dry, the UV meter was constantly going off.

I worked outside all day. I managed to take two funky shaped trees from the orchard and put them in tree hospital. And I planted three giant new trees that I drove far too far to get. LOL. Quality things though and well pruned and trained. Not at all like the plant it and let it go vertical of the big box stores.

Anyway. The tomato plants are all outside in their little air domes. Warm, but vented. They need to start getting used to breezes and rain and cooler night cycles.

I will NOT miss the funk of worm castings in the seedling shed.

I am bruised like crazy today, but not any really worse for wear. Rain on and off this week, which is good since there is seed down in the new pasture.

Next LARGE project is getting the new fence and gates in that divide the two pastures. BLECH.
Jimmy Nardello (our favorite sweet pepper)
We like this one too! Grew some from seed and bought a few more. I still have some left in the Jiffy peat pods That I don’t have any pots to repot them into dirt! We are growing many peppers. We tend to grow the Italian types that are thicker walls, good for fresh eating, grilling, cooking. I’ll have to look up our favorites from last year.
I am bruised like crazy today, but not any really worse for wear. Rain on and off this week, which is good since there is seed down in the new pasture.
Where I Go.jpg
Aloha all and happy Sunday!
Yesterday I popped a rib out pulling toast out of the toaster (or moving big blue pot with palm the day b4) for our Koke'e work day picnic. After doing my best to stretch and pop it back in I spent the rest of the day with a heating pad, ibuprofen/acetaminophen and the channel changer... once I could get into a sitting position that is... :rolleyes:
Almost back to 100% today! Whew- that was sore!
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I think the Macarthur palm seeds make me a grandmother because I started parents by seed years back. Neat time warp when looking at it through that lens.
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Garden spider doing a great job guarding. Still floating in tomatoes. :DView attachment 2120939 View attachment 2120932 View attachment 2120938 View attachment 2120899
Caged cherry toms are fantastic, mini interim seedlings fine and waiting for lettuce seeds. In the past reseeding has been some of my best lettuce beds so will do it again.

Loaded up a rubbish can of horse poop and will dig my hole for the Soursop this eve. Watering lawn with well water now.

Kitchen/chicken poop/nesting material compost is 2 weeks old and close.... :) View attachment 2120986
Mahalo you have such lovely orchids.

Grandson came over this evening for some social distancing visiting of the puppies. He decided to help me in the garden ( except I wouldn't let him in because last time he stepped on all the plants we were planting!! :lau 😂
So he helped by pulling up weeds from around the outside of the garden fence while I was inside the garden cutting asparagus. This shot is of him caring armloads of the weeds to the chickens! His Mom and my husband are on the other side of the white car. His Mom is taking his picture from that side.
It was supposed to rain today but did not (but I was at work). It looks like the rain tomorrow is supposed to hold off until the evening so hopefully I will get the last of the chain link moved from one location to the dog yard (puppy containment). Then the puppies won't be able to escape. As it is they can easily walk through the cattle panels with no trouble.

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