What did you do in the garden today?

So, now I need to find a god asparagus spot. Do they need all-day sun, or will a 7-8 hour stretch work?

@Acre4Me -- The wyld ones I found are in the sun about 3/4 of the day. They're HUGE!!!

My "contained" ones get about only 5-6 (the ones I brought up here when we moved) and are tiny but fruitful.

Bottom line: the wyld bunch is definitely more hearty and I thank the previous owner who planted them.
here are the asparagus plants. No, not dill, although they look like it. Guessing these aren’t crowns!
View attachment 2124538

@nao57 I’m zone 6A and my plants go out every day, in at night right now (except strawberries and potatoes already planted and growing).
Those are seedlings, about the same size as mine are. They took forever to sprout and I am told you should wait 3 years before your first harvest. I planted a few of the tubers(?), tentacles(?), too but I could only find a few for sale. I planted them all in full sun.
here are the asparagus plants. No, not dill, although they look like it. Guessing these aren’t crowns!
View attachment 2124538

@nao57 I’m zone 6A and my plants go out every day, in at night right now (except strawberries and potatoes already planted and growing).
youngsters! Keep an eye on them (whether in containers or if you decide to ground) and you'll have a nice yield in a few years. I know it sounds a bit exhausting but a bit of a manicure here and there will lend to some lovely stalks!!!
Poor guy, you have been waiting so long and been pretty darn patient. Well, lets hope good things come to those that wait. I probably would have turned my garage or basement into a hot house with grow lights by now or just given up all together, so bravo to you @BReeder! .
My dining room has a folding table against the wall full of starts with grow lights actually. Many are small plants actually and some zucchini are started to form flower buds.
here are the asparagus plants. No, not dill, although they look like it. Guessing these aren’t crowns!
View attachment 2124538

@nao57 I’m zone 6A and my plants go out every day, in at night right now (except strawberries and potatoes already planted and growing).
I would guess that these were started from seeds, but that is a guess. They definitely are not root crowns! 😂 I agree that you should wait 3 years before you harvest any because I think they will need that long to establish a good root system ( of tentacles :lau). No insult to anybody is intended!
@Wee Farmer Sarah what you have sounds more like they are root crowns. Or as @NewBoots called them tubers or tentacles. 😂 I can totally see where you got the idea for calling them tentacles!
Do irises do anything other than satisfy grandparents? My parents like them, but nobody seems to know if they do anything for the soil, or etc....?
As far as I know, they just look pretty. But I have never investigated to see if they have other properties other than checking to see if they are edible. They are NOT! My friend was hoping to be able to make jam or jelly, but I told her NO!
This white stuff is all over the bottom side of a branch on one of my apple trees. Anyone know what it is? I cut the branch off and will burn it tomorrow when I burn brush.


Here are the seedlings from my wagon greenhouse. I’m working on hardening them off before I plant them.
Does anyone know, is it okay to plant any plant deep (like you do with tomato plants)?
I admit, I laughed at tentacles too!

Morning gardeners! It's chilly here today. Shocking. Are all the New England gardeners ready for SNOW on Fri? :he I probably won't get any here, but I'm going to put another layer of straw on the bean, cuke & squash seeds I planted last weekend. I have extras if they don't make it, but I don't think it will be an issue. :idunno

Speaking of, where do you all store your extra seeds for the next year? Or do you not bother?

I'm hardening off my tomatoes, like 3 days into it (about 3 hours outside) & forgot them & left them out for like 8. Oops. Life here, do or die, lol.

I've never seen that before, but it does kind of look like Mealybug!

Have a great day all!

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