What did you do in the garden today?

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I can not give her food or water w/o getting attacked. Crazy.

Give her a taste of her own medicine!
nerf h20 gun.jpg
View attachment 2124913This white stuff is all over the bottom side of a branch on one of my apple trees. Anyone know what it is? I cut the branch off and will burn it tomorrow when I burn brush.
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View attachment 2124916
Here are the seedlings from my wagon greenhouse. I’m working on hardening them off before I plant them.
Does anyone know, is it okay to plant any plant deep (like you do with tomato plants)?

Going deeper, can work for some species but not for others.

Example; sugar beats, and red beats, and also onions have an ideal depth.

But potatoes can go deeper.

But actually in farming the ideal soul is a few inches deep on up to about 18 inches deep.

Back in the days of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) around 1959 to 1961 they had everyone so high strung that they decided that the CCP leaders would tell the farmers how deep to use the soil. And one of them decided without any experience that the soil several feet deep would be the best.

So they made it a rule to make the farmers turn over and plow 6 feet deep. And it was the national policy for a couple years, without actually listening to the people with experience.

This was one of the causes of the GREAT FAMINE of China around 1959 to 1961. 'Deep plowing'. And some people say that the deep plowing actually came from Moscow.

I doubt that you were going to put your plants 6 feet deep though, but just in case you were thinking about it....
Wow!! I called hatchery about meat chickens and had to order for 4 weeks out (pick up late May). They said their phone has been ringing off the hook! They were already sold out of certain regular breeds for the year! Well, this will be the first year for 2 batches of meaties: May and September chicks for July and October harvests. Hmmm...might need to place my September order now...

People know the agriculture is in trouble.

But in truth its more complex than just saying its the hoarders.

The elites and rich are hoarding. But they aren't hoarders, they are 'robber barons'. Why doesn't anyone get to blame them, and their bunkers?

Surely you guys have heard about the robber baron secret bunkers being built to escape the wrath of man, when their sins get outed? (Also talked about in Isaiah.)

And I don't think its necessarily fair for people wanting to get garden tools, seeds, and so on.
Aloha gardeners!
Another beautiful day here. Mid 80's high clouds... awesome.
I started my day out with watering the palms and soursop while chickens stretched their legs and then cleaning all of the waterers. I am going to town today and I am very excited about it. After ordering my incubator a few weeks ago (due on the 11th but who knows if it will show...) I called my breeder friend and asked if he could hatch out some of my eggs and he said yes! Problem solved. So, today I bring him 30 eggs. I'm hoping for a 50% due to age and fertilization.

I've got people calling me for compost and chickens just about everyday even though my add has been down for a few weeks. Almost exhausting but great people. I sowed some more, extra seeds for friends just starting to garden. Give a girl a bale of potting soil... :D I think it is time we all get in touch with our inner farmer if we have one and I will be encouraging and helpful in anyway I can.

Yes, the world has gone a bit nuts. DH went to the store to get TP and there was none. What is up with that??? We have been on lock down for 2 months and people are STILL hoarding TP?!!! LORDY! What a sh*t show. Good thing we have plenty of old T's if things get dicey lol. Glad I am on a remote island cuz it seems like things are going to get worse b4 it gets better. Stopping ALL flights to here would be awesome :cool:. Cept mail....

My mamma hen Rosie has gone insane. Has anyone had that b4? I can not find any info on it. She has been attacking my other hens and now she is even attacking me. I locked her up separate from her chicks as i will start the permanent separation. I need to friendly up the chicks so i can find them homes. I'm just hoping she snaps out of what ever she has going on. Normally she is low in the pecking order, sweet, smaller a lovely girl. Now she is absolutely bizarre, crazy and mean as all hell. I can not give her food or water w/o getting attacked. Crazy.

K. Gotta get- Stay well, get dirty!!!!

Some of this actually isn't hoarders but actual farm failures from last year.

People hid how bad the damage from the Midwest flooding was. And there actually were big farm failures starting in 2017 that were also sort of hidden.

And people who deliver onions were saying it was at 1/3 what it normally should be at because of shortages. And other agriculture processing people were saying that some crops had already used up what they'd grown in 2019.

But they will blame it on 'hoarders', and not all the others going on.

You can really research this stuff, if you get off mainstream social media and instead from people speaking out, who know their fields of industry. Also it was just bad policy period for people to think they could always never have any kind of reserve and trust the robber barons to store all the food for anyone.

Think about that.

There are modern robber barons just like there were about a hundred years ago.

People are trusting these people to not take more than their share and hold EVERYONE's FOOD for them....without taking any kind of advantage. At. ALL.

How stupid are we going to get as a country? We're letting everyone rob us.

Its so frustrating.

This is why you are seeing problems in the stores. But they wanted to do all this theft and take over long before now but had to put a lot of stuff in play to stop it first.

Why is our country allowing robber barons to run everything and to influence the government? Robber barons got to where they were by theft, not hard work. Its only a matter of time before they even steal social security.
Fantastic day, just perfect and beautiful so sharing a few photos with you folks. After dropping eggs to breeder (so excited!!!) we went to drop something at brothers hale. Thought you garden folk would appreciate his torch ginger.

Quick pull over and photo- wild chickens like the view as they were everywhere, the bushes down the hill was crawling with them.
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Pulled over and shared a plate lunch. Mountain range behind is the one from Jurassic Park- just a little trivia for ya.
Some of this actually isn't hoarders but actual farm failures from last year.

People hid how bad the damage from the Midwest flooding was. And there actually were big farm failures starting in 2017 that were also sort of hidden.

And people who deliver onions were saying it was at 1/3 what it normally should be at because of shortages. And other agriculture processing people were saying that some crops had already used up what they'd grown in 2019.

But they will blame it on 'hoarders', and not all the others going on.

You can really research this stuff, if you get off mainstream social media and instead from people speaking out, who know their fields of industry. Also it was just bad policy period for people to think they could always never have any kind of reserve and trust the robber barons to store all the food for anyone.

Think about that.

There are modern robber barons just like there were about a hundred years ago.

People are trusting these people to not take more than their share and hold EVERYONE's FOOD for them....without taking any kind of advantage. At. ALL.

How stupid are we going to get as a country? We're letting everyone rob us.

Its so frustrating.

This is why you are seeing problems in the stores. But they wanted to do all this theft and take over long before now but had to put a lot of stuff in play to stop it first.

Why is our country allowing robber barons to run everything and to influence the government? Robber barons got to where they were by theft, not hard work. Its only a matter of time before they even steal social security.
So, robber barrons are stealing our damn toilet paper?!!!:barnie
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