What did you do in the garden today?

DH say's we'll never starve no matter the meat shortages, LOL.

I love your bees! I wish I could, but the bear are too much around here, I'd have to do electric & worry about my chickens.
We came across a winter flock here of over 500 birds! It was crossing the valley creek and road, and we had to wait for it to finish. The video I took doesn't do it justice. The fields and wood were alive with birds. OC we are up to our eyeballs in every age bird this year, and the winter was a mild one, so even more than normal running around. Gobbling is at all hours of the day.
@NewBoots I love working from home because I can sit out on the deck with my laptop & watch the silly chickens! I have one crazy new pullet, I'm not sure if she's totally insane or a friggin riot! She's my new favorite - she just starts running & flying for no reason or she eggs on the mean girl, I love it. I can watch them all day.

Like my cukes last year that turned out to be lemon cukes, I was soooo confused till you guys figured it out!

I'm in. LOL, I'm so bored I'd hit the road right now.

So I've been wondering who's been going through my compost...caught red handed. :lau
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No more suggestions. You know I’m a pushover. My little car does get 45 mpg though.
We came across a winter flock here of over 500 birds! It was crossing the valley creek and road, and we had to wait for it to finish.
Wow! I would love to see the video. The most we see up here (i.e. of flocking parties) are when the turkeys are about and block the road. I always have to honk at them and try to redirect otherwise they'll get run over by some dumb ass going too fast.

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