What did you do in the garden today?

Dh carries a .357 sig on his hip around here. He's not messin around, lol. But we have bears...
Ya, we had a wandering kidknapper high on meth and his baby mamas trying to escape, also high as kites. We have .357, but the 9 is my competition piece, and it's an extension of my hand. The sig is awkward to me.
I picked rogue zucchini and bunch of lemon cucumbers.


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Well, I have blossoms now. Not sure still if it was heat or nitrogen...but there's a few flowers! That happened so fast that I'm thinking it might have been heat and the buds were already forming when I took my last picture and I just didn't look close enough. We're down into the mid to high 90's most of the time now so it's cooling. Think nights are dropping down into the 70's now too.
So definitely moving the peppers to a shadier spot.
My yellow and crook neck squash keep on giving. Can I freeze yellow squash?
I shred, salt, drain (in fact the final step is squeezing the shreds in a cotton dish towel), and freeze 2 cup bags of summer squash. This is my first year but I'm hoping it gives me fritters and muffins and bread all winter long.
DH is tiling the kitchen today! :yesss: Then I just need a new table & the kitchen is done.
LOL I read this as, "DH is TILLING the kitchen today" :gig
Holy cow that is scary!

I wonder if they caught the fox or if she had to get rabies shots.
Dang that fox really was determined, terrifying video.
I picked rogue zucchini and bunch of lemon cucumbers.
My chickens love the oversized zucchini and cucumbers, a real treat.

I canned lemon cukes one year for the heck of it, they looked so pretty in the jar! Like lemons. LOL
How were they?

I picked a bunch of the wax beans so we'll have then for lunch today, if we get enough I'll pickle some. I'll grow them again next year. Fall has definitely started here, it's been misty and damp the last few mornings, just praying for enough warmth for at least some of the tomatoes to ripen. But if not, there's still fried green tomatoes, green tomato relish, pickled green tomatoes, and even green tomato enchilada sauce.
How were they?
I think I gave them to my sister, lol.

& that's what I'm doing with summer squash right now, they're draining as we speak. But I did noodles instead of shredded this time as we eat them as pasta, did shredded yesterday. I should have enough to get thru winter also. Excited about that.

I had to do a double take at my spelling of tiling when I typed that because I also read it as tilling. :gig We have like 3 more tiles to go! Then 72 hours till we can grout.

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