What did you do in the garden today?

Also, growing your own romaine is easy peazy TBH.
The big thing is you have to remember to keep harvesting it. If you let it get 'big' then it gets bitter, so keep snipping the leaves and using them! This goes for pretty much all the lettuce and like types of plants.

If it's indoors no problem if it's outdoors, the girls will want it to so keep a broom handy :)

Good to know but we rarely eat it ourselves. This is meant for the bunny... He tends to careless if it's baby greens or not.
I grew up in Michigan/Indiana area. Lake effect was a way of life. If you don't know what lake effect means, I'll sum it up: a GIANT pile of THIS SUCKS. I've lived in the South for 20 years this May. I don't miss that cold and snow ONE BIT. All next week our temps are in the upper 40s. Nights are hovering around freezing. That's doable to me. Add in a low cost of living and low taxes and I'm golden....
Truck is still down there.
I need to get it up the hill as it is my truck. LOL

The wind is blowing so i'm hoping that with the cleared snow, the ice will start to go in the sun. She might have to be down there for a day or two, but ugh. Before the snow on Saturday.

None of my neighbors even STOPPED this morning. OMG I would have dropped everything if I saw them stuck. (and have) That'll learn me. OC, next time I'll just roll my eyes and not be so quick to rush over.
None of my neighbors even STOPPED this morning. OMG I would have dropped everything if I saw them stuck. (and have) That'll learn me. OC, next time I'll just roll my eyes and not be so quick to rush over.
Real slap in the face isn't it? You bend over backwards to be a good neighbor, only to find out they been using you all this time and don't give a crap about you. Oh they'll gossip about you behind your back, and of course they'll stand there with a greasy ass foot long used car salesman smile while they are grabbing the free gimme dats that you brought over to share with them, but when it's THEIR turn to be neighborly... fugeddaboutit.

Yah I know how that feels. YOU did the right thing, so don't feel bad because they are not as good of people as you are. THAT is not your fault you did nothing wrong!

Also Michigan does NOT have cheese heads, so that's always a plus
My Chiropractor is a Cheesehead. I still like him. A lot of people in the UP are Packers fans. GB is closer than Detroit.

DH can't stand Rogers. Didn't like Favre either. And he never forgave GB for beating the Steelers in Superbowl 2011.
Raspberry plant came and planted.One gallon pot size. Much nicer than a 4 inch tissure culter stick. Appears to be pot grown. Nice root ball.
My Chiropractor is a Cheesehead. I still like him. A lot of people in the UP are Packers fans. GB is closer than Detroit.

DH can't stand Rogers. Didn't like Favre either. And he never forgave GB for beating the Steelers in Superbowl 2011.
There are a few in CT as well! I always loved watching Favre play, he very much enjoyed the game. I’m not so sure how feel about him these days tho. & who in the world would ever chose to be a lions fan if they didn’t have to be? Lol (says the lifelong CT Bucs fan)

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