What did you do in the garden today?

Good morning gardeners. Today is the beginning of planting seeds outside. The plan is for peas, carrots, chard, kale, radishes and some onions today. I finished cleaning up the herb beds earlier this morning and am eager to see what actually survived the arctic blast of -15F this winter. I'll also be moving the geraniums and French lavender outside as well. I'm going to dig around where I planted the garlic in the Fall to see if it's still trying to grow. If it's not alive then I know some leeks that would be happy to fill in the void. I think I may start the Pak Choy today as well. Good luck with the willow cuttings @Swiss. A word of caution, don't plant them anywhere near water or sewer lines. Their roots will zero in on the source of any type of water and create an expensive havoc there. You beat me to it @fuzzi. LOL!
Built a brooder this weekend (in the garden of course :lol:). I've got one thing left to do before it's done, but the hardware cloth is on and that's always the part that's hardest. At least that's what my sore, stiff hands are saying today!

Slowly checking things off on the pre-move checklist. Going to try to get more done today. Have roofing material for a mobile chicken coop we're going to build this week, but no other materials for it yet. Need to get that done. Too much stuff to do, sheesh.
What two days of wind did to my snow peas...they probably would have been flat if I'd not put some support leeward.
Walked down to the garden this morning to get fresh greens for the bunny and noticed my little plum tree sapling was getting brown leaves. Took a closer inspection and realized it was COVERED with aphids! 🤬 I sprayed it with some neem oil. I broke my little garden sprayer. Need to get a new one... Like fast. Time to spray everything anyway. Grapes are budding out. Blooms on the apple tree.
My lungs are so tired of smoke. We're down wind of Kansas burning, and two local massive wildfires. I took lightning photos last night and left a window wide open when I went to bed. I woke up at 5 in full panic attack, which I think most of are triggered by breathing issues. Same issues over my entire lifetime, never been able to get a doctor to listen to me. Annoys me to no end.
Hauled all the weekend's worth of ranch cleanup to the curb this morning,
All the tomatoes have their first true leaves.
We managed a tiny amount of rain last night, so if I can pull myself together, I'll wash windows. -done, did all 68 windows on the house, shop and barn. The shop and barn are still filthy on the inside.
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You know how Roma paste tomatoes are determined? I didn’t hopefully they will grow new branches. I usually leave only 1-3 branches with tomatoes, and since I had no idea these were determined, I trimmed them as well, only to realize later I made a huge mistake. At least these weren’t the farm’s tomatoes.
Also, look at these cute babies, hopefully most are females, but if not, we always need more soup.

I know it’s a small place for them, but I can’t bring electricity to the coop I built for them outside. Grandfather’s Alzheimer’s doesn’t let me, it tells grandpa that the Italians are building a spaceship on the balcony…
What I do is taking them out during the day and returning them at night.
After cleaning up:
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