What did you do in the garden today?

I am a big plain water fan but I have a powdered electrolyte mix I have to use sometimes. I have low BP & sweat a lot in the heat so it helps with the minerals & salt. I also use a big floppy hat & cover up, with the auto immune & its meds the sun doesn’t agree with me, lol.

Misty & cool here today. I have the windows open & a fan blowing (with a filter for the allergies). Love a good dark day sometimes. Sure beats the 96 we had the other day, broke all sorts of records.

DH got the rosemary plants out for me & I’m hardening off a spider plant I got when my Dad died. Trimmed the crap out of the fig tree, it was unmanageable. I am going to get some green beans in the ground this year, I can manage them since not many pests bother them here & the hoop trellis is set up already. Low maintenance is good, I can handle that! I wish I had some berry fertilizer for the strawberries & blueberries but it’s getting late for that now, I can’t pick berries anyway so oh well.

Congrats on that quick move @Elyrian1, I’m sure that was no easy task! We would love pics, of course.
Lol, right now it's a mess. There's a chance of rain today, and since I have no rain capture set up and we're hauling water, I threw two empty tubs down where the RV sheds its water in hopes of catching something. Then I tried to get my new clothes line installed, but there's a part that needs driven into the ground and it solidly defeated me.

Temporary chicken coop is a massive pain in the neck, but given that DH threw it together out of pallets, hardward cloth and bungee straps.... Kinda was bound to happen. Problem is my rooster is mean enough that getting in and out of there is actually dangerous. So! Permanent coop just rocketed to the top of my "needs to be built" list.

I'll get pictures for y'all after we get our internet up and running, on hotspot right now and connection is bad.
I can relate! I first had it a few years ago and it really is so much easier to overheat now. I wear a wide hat that blocks the sun and usually shorts/light weight tank top. And flip flops lol. I have these cooling arm things hubs bought for me last year, I’m going try those this year and see if they help at all.
When I come inside from the heat I grab a small ice pack and place it on the back of my neck. It seems to help cool me down.
I am a big plain water fan but I have a powdered electrolyte mix I have to use sometimes. I have low BP & sweat a lot in the heat so it helps with the minerals & salt. I also use a big floppy hat & cover up, with the auto immune & its meds the sun doesn’t agree with me, lol.

Misty & cool here today. I have the windows open & a fan blowing (with a filter for the allergies). Love a good dark day sometimes. Sure beats the 96 we had the other day, broke all sorts of records.

DH got the rosemary plants out for me & I’m hardening off a spider plant I got when my Dad died. Trimmed the crap out of the fig tree, it was unmanageable. I am going to get some green beans in the ground this year, I can manage them since not many pests bother them here & the hoop trellis is set up already. Low maintenance is good, I can handle that! I wish I had some berry fertilizer for the strawberries & blueberries but it’s getting late for that now, I can’t pick berries anyway so oh well.

Congrats on that quick move @Elyrian1, I’m sure that was no easy task! We would love pics, of course.
Can you share a picture of your bean hoop trellis?
Back for more help cause you guys are awesome! I was rooting around in my raspberry beds which is heavily mulched with dry leaves and found these guys. What the heck are they?? Maggots? Worms?

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