What did you do in the garden today?

I asked my A1 bot about pineapples, and it was as I thought quartered crowns take longer to fruit, since they take longer to reach maturity. This is what came up............. :frow

Commercial pineapple farmers usually plant whole crowns, which are the leafy tops of the pineapple fruits. Crowns are preferred over other planting materials, such as slips or suckers, because they are easier to obtain, handle, and store. They also produce uniform and high-quality fruits in about 18 to 24 months.
Quartered crowns are sometimes used as an alternative to whole crowns, especially when there is a shortage of planting materials or when the crowns are too large or damaged. Quartered crowns are obtained by cutting the whole crowns into four equal parts, each with a piece of the fruit base attached. This reduces the weight and volume of the crowns, and increases the number of planting materials. However, quartered crowns have lower survival and growth rates, and they produce smaller and lower-quality fruits than whole crowns. They also take longer to mature, about 24 to 30 months3

Therefore, commercial pineapple farmers generally prefer to plant whole crowns, unless there are specific reasons or advantages to use quartered crowns.
One out of two of my pineapple plants has an actual fruit forming. It happened after I put calcium carbide on them. I didn't think it would work, since I washed most of the calcium carbide off when I did it. I found out I shouldn't have used so much water later after watching the fruiting video again.
I ended up ordering 3 different pineapple plants. I really enjoy fresh pineapple so I don't mind the effort.

I thought you had pulled all your pineapple out of your garden because you were frustrated with their lack of progress?
I used to want to grow everything. after so many failures I decided to grow only what's suitable for my climate.
I do try to stick to what is climate friendly... I only have a few things that are not and I keep or bring them indoors in the winter. Since I am limited in indoor space, I try to be particular about what I have...
Well I guess the weather decided that I need a break from the rain so it's windy but not raining so the ground should be able to dry out a bit before the next storm comes in. Thank you for all the prayers. I also appreciate the responses about the pineapple plant. I'm going to try to start around 20 of them. My mom said she would definitely take some.

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