What did you do in the garden today?

See the sprout with the seed coat still on it? (The little green thing next to it is a weed.)
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It's a pepper. I have had a lot of seeds do this this year. In years past, these usually dry out and die. The leaves never make it out of the seed coat. I don't know why this happens; maybe because the soil is too cool or too dry?

Anyway, I have saved every one of these by dripping a drop of water onto the seed coat, 2-3 times a day. It keeps the coat from drying out, sticking to the seed leaves. This little guy is now a cayenne pepper seedling.

I also spray the seed coat and if it does not fall off I gently pull it. must be wet and soft.
I planted 2 cherry trees, 2 peach trees, and 2 apple trees last spring. It's weird to me that this one peach tree is the first to say hello to Spring! Even the 50+ year old apple trees are JUST starting to lead out. Maybe this peach tree is in the best spot?

is it an early variety? my may crest peach tree was first to wake up even before the fig trees.
Chicken run is covered and completely predator proof now!! We put metal roof panels up to meet the wall of the barn, so something can’t enter up top between the 1’ gap that was between the roof and barn wall.

Asparagus fresh from garden is yummy. We’ve been picking it this week!

Something is just wrong with this pic.

OHIO has most tornadoes this year?? So weird.
Still pondering the freeze dryer.
The nutritional value is so much better than canning as is the shelf life.
We have low power costs up here, so it wouldn't cost me too much to run.
I'd need to buy it oil, and would have to get a blender to make powders.
I'd rather it than the dehydrator.
I am really curious about the power they draw. Then I'd look up what it would cost to run. And add on 50% because it's always more than you'd think.
I've used it 2 or 3 times and never been very impressed with it.

I'd much rather have the freeze dryer, simply to preserve taste and better shelf life. It is just so hard to justify the cost... Even with food costs rising.
I wonder which I'd like better. I have a dehydrator already.

I love my Excalibur. It wasn't cheap, even back when we bought it, about 28 years ago.
is it an early variety? my may crest peach tree was first to wake up even before the fig trees.
Both peach trees say their bloom time is late. But now I wonder because it ripens in late July, and the other, apparently, ripens in September. How are they supposed to be pollinator buddies if their ripening time is that different? Oh well, they are self pollinating.

I finally fed the seedlings yesterday. I need to top up the tomatoes with soil.

We got our soap making ingredients in the mail yesterday! I'm pretty excited because I've wanted to try making soap for YEARS. It should also cut our expenses down a bit, which is always nice.
Good morning gardeners. The grandkids planted the early peas yesterday. Then they decided they needed to burn some more energy and started cleaning up the other half of that garden area. We all decided halfway through that we would officially name this plot the “Rock Garden.” I asked them to pile all the rocks in the spot with a really big rock. We’re getting rain now so everything is getting a good drink. I’m using this rainy morning to run errands and hope to get more outdoor work done this afternoon or give my wee beasties baths. I’m leaning towards the baths.

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