What did you do in the garden today?

Drama in the hen yard this morning when one of the girls found a baby bird that had fallen from a nest in the barn.
It did NOT end in a Disney manner.
Another great chance of Aurora tonight as well.
And we just just got hit with another massive CME, so maybe more the week as well.
Yeah, same has happened here. The bird ran behind something and I left when the crew started stalking it. It was a baby grackle, I hate those birds.
I'm trying to beat the heat today since it's going to hit 80 degrees around noon. I started around 8 this morning.

I got my seven pepper plants in the ground (jalapeno and red bell) and four hills of butternut squash seeds planted. I set up a 10' tall bean trellis (cattle panel) and planted a 5 foot row of vining rattlesnake beans.

After I plant a few hills of zucchini squash and last year's leftover green and yellow bush bean seeds I think my gardening will be done for the day. I'm going to plant some beans between the hills of butternut squash and see how that works out.

All the tomatoes I planted yesterday evening are looking perky and green, which is good. I gave the peas and carrot seedlings a shot of water too.
To all of you florally inclined people, does anyone know what this flower is? I think it's pretty cool, having three different petal colors on a single flower.

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I'm done gardening for the day. In addition the peppers and butternut squash I planted earlier, I planted 3 hills of zucchini squash and a 7 foot row of Provider green bush beans. I decided to wait a couple weeks before planting the yellow wax beans so the bean crop is staggered.

It's 80 degrees outside now, and 70 degrees in the house. I left all the windows open last night so it would cool of, then closed it up to keep the cool inside today.

The butternut squash are planted where the boards are sticking out of the ground. I'll train them to grow over the side of the raised bed and onto the ground so they have plenty of room to spread out.

Behind the squash, a row of 5 pepper plants, and behind that, red lettuce, and behind the lettuce, carrots. A pair of tomato plants are in the corners, left hand side.

Two more peppers in a different bed, near the 2nd year curly parsley plant that will bloom and attract pollinators.

The row of rattlesnake beans next to the trellis...

Three hills of zucchini near the rattlesnake beans. I'll train them to grow out over the side of the raised bed too.

The row of Provider green beans...

The tomatoes I set out yesterday. Determinate on left side, indeterminate on right side with ropes to support them as they grow, like I did last year.

Peas haven't reached the trellis to their right yet...

I packed more leaves around the potato plants today...

Onions and garlic...

Dill. I haven't planted my dill yet! Maybe tomorrow.
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We called them johnny jump ups.
We have quite a bit to plant still.

viola - johnny jump up
Thanks! It must be a perennial then. I've been living here over two years and I didn't plant it! There have been all sorts of unknown-to-me flowers popping up around here. I need to take more pics for identification I guess.

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