What did you do in the garden today?

Wow your Milkweed is way ahead of mine, it's just leaves right now, plants only 8 inches tall.

Aww, Bless our Moms & hugs to them in Heaven. My Mom's African Violet plant blooms in my kitchen constantly, and it's a plant from early 1970s...amazing isn't it?
I had cuttings from my grandmother's African violets, but the plants died years ago.

I'm happy I still have descendants of my mom's primroses, though. They're really going crazy, blooming.
Yesterday afternoon I tied up my tomatoes.


Loose knot (not slip knot!) at the base ⬆️


Drape the other end over the trellis and knot.


Keep the string loose!


As the main vine grows wrap the string around it.


Then I pruned the bottom branches and some of the suckers to allow air circulation around the base of the plants.

The cattle panel trellis and string ideas I got from Gardener Scott's YouTube channel.
I procured for myself some wild muscadine vine cuttings, hoping they'll take root for me!
Good luck. Are you going to use rooting hormone to help them make roots?

On a whim I plucked several dandelion seed heads this morning. I've always wanted to have a cultivated patch of dandelions for greens and edible blossoms.
I started up a batch of weed tea fertilizer this morning. I dug up a variety of weeds with roots attached, lightly smashed the roots and leaves, put them in a bucket and covered with water.

It needs to soak/ferment for a week or two before it's ready to be diluted and used as fertilizer for the garden.


I gave my last three cherry tomato plants to my neighbor yesterday, then gave her a tour of my garden. Glad those plants found a home.
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