What did you do with your flock today?

Today I went to collect my eggs before going into work. I discovered one chicken was not wanting to go out and she was growling a little. I hadnt thought much about it but hindsight she had remained behind many times. I work basically 12 hrs aday. Feed in morning, a little treat at lunchtime when i come home and they are free ranging all day in my big back yard. So anyway, heres this chicken in the coop not wanting to come out...I heard the peeps!!! Sly girl she is. 3 little chicks, probably 2 days old. The egg shells were dry. Now I will have to name her something. Btw she has 3 similiar sisters but the have their number bands on. 101, 102, 103 and 104... the rooster daddy is Mr. Biggers.


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Sorry for laughing, I just flash back to past mouse wars here and in hindsight, they were funny! We once had one move into our stove. Late at night, hubby and I would be hanging out in the kitchen and the little bleep would pop up from under the burner, stare at us and then dive back down. Took some work but we finally got him!
Since that one's glue trap smart, maybe try a different trap? A baited snap trap perhaps? We got ours with a baited tomcat...we use a dab of peanut butter with some sunflower seeds pressed into it. The peanut butter is just to keep the seeds in place so they don't move around and foul the trap doors. Our cats normally do the job for us, but that one was avoiding them. On the good side, I got a new stove once we caught it. 😁
Can't wait to hear about your victory dance when you catch the bugger!
I have snap trap baited still. I have tried peanut butter, marshmallow, caramel, chocolate, beef sticks, basically everything I can think of. Luckily he isn’t in the stove…yet. Just under it, or in the crawl space 🤷‍♀️. All of it is brand new…floors, subflooring, walls, everything. So I really have no idea where they are hanging out at but since they started coming in, every one of them has climbed from the stove to the counter. My husband is going to pull out the stove soon to see if he can find where they are coming from.
Very fun surprise @RonnieJB ! Congratulations to all!

@ChicksnMore ALWAYS fun to see members of your zoo 😄 Lots of personality that one.

@FBMcrazy8 goats AND a mouse lol!
I had a stove mouse once awhile back. Well, a few mice in my little plantation home. I went to the HS and got me a (brown tabby 🙄) female mouser... so smart. Well, as the mouse was running from my sink to the toaster in the corner, cornered and pretty much on a platter for my new kitty, so I picked her up and .... nothing. She had no idea what to do, probably the first mouse she ever saw, 0 instincts. So I bought myself a few mouse traps and that was the end of that. Had the cat for well over a decade ♡ most expensive mouse trap ever.
Well, no more sniffles or sneezes here. Still keeping the suspects separated and all have vits in water.
Got 14 eggs yesterday. That was pretty good being I have a waiting list.

Got a call from a repeat chicken buyer wanting the 8mo LB cockerel. I'm so happy though I did tell the guy I wanted to wait a week b4 letting him go.
I will miss "Santa" as he is a sweet heart and funny as can be but... less is more sometimes, especially with boy chickens.
Cloudy, dh got stepped on by my horse so laid low while he ices today lol.
Today I went to collect my eggs before going into work. I discovered one chicken was not wanting to go out and she was growling a little. I hadnt thought much about it but hindsight she had remained behind many times. I work basically 12 hrs aday. Feed in morning, a little treat at lunchtime when i come home and they are free ranging all day in my big back yard. So anyway, heres this chicken in the coop not wanting to come out...I heard the peeps!!! Sly girl she is. 3 little chicks, probably 2 days old. The egg shells were dry. Now I will have to name her something. Btw she has 3 similiar sisters but the have their number bands on. 101, 102, 103 and 104... the rooster daddy is Mr. Biggers.
Merry Christmas! 🤣 What a fine hen you have ❤️
Well, no more sniffles or sneezes here. Still keeping the suspects separated and all have vits in water.
Got 14 eggs yesterday. That was pretty good being I have a waiting list.

Got a call from a repeat chicken buyer wanting the 8mo LB cockerel. I'm so happy though I did tell the guy I wanted to wait a week b4 letting him go.
I will miss "Santa" as he is a sweet heart and funny as can be but... less is more sometimes, especially with boy chickens.
Cloudy, dh got stepped on by my horse so laid low while he ices today lol.
Glad the sniffles have passed ❤️. I love repeat chicken people and am glad your Santa gets to go to one. Hope the sun comes out and your dh's foots ok.
Very fun surprise @RonnieJB ! Congratulations to all!

@ChicksnMore ALWAYS fun to see members of your zoo 😄 Lots of personality that one.

@FBMcrazy8 goats AND a mouse lol!
I had a stove mouse once awhile back. Well, a few mice in my little plantation home. I went to the HS and got me a (brown tabby 🙄) female mouser... so smart. Well, as the mouse was running from my sink to the toaster in the corner, cornered and pretty much on a platter for my new kitty, so I picked her up and .... nothing. She had no idea what to do, probably the first mouse she ever saw, 0 instincts. So I bought myself a few mouse traps and that was the end of that. Had the cat for well over a decade ♡ most expensive mouse trap ever.
Aaawww!!! We gave our old cat to my mom and dad cause when we moved out of that house we couldn’t take him with us. But he lived a good life out in the country. Never actually caught a mouse and ate it but ya know. I think my unexpected mouser is my Rottie. We had her away from the puppies tonight, just to give her a break really, and we heard one in our presents in the tree. And really all I could think of is there is not ONE food item under there, do I need to put wrapping paper in the traps?!? Well my dog got up and charged after it and made it go into the trap. I could be VERY wrong but I’m almost positive that it is the one from the kitchen. Cause he has not showed up on the counter (or trap or moved them) since last night when I went crazy. He does have the other side of the stove that has a partial counter he can go behind, he just can’t get up that side. And if her ran behind it and followed the wall he would have ended up in the living room where the tree is. He just fits the size. I guess only time will tell.
My dad hated flowers and got mad and complained about smells etc... but he loved the colorful foliage of Hawaii so it seemed to fit and lasts way longer than the junky store bought we get here.

I have planted our yard with plants and flowers for our graveyard visits. Unfortunately, the heat stressed the ginger and chooks finished it off. I have some new starts in water that I will be planting in a few weeks. Takes time to outsmart chickens for sure.
Tell me about it! Mine will try anything and everything! I've even seen Gladys eating ridiculously spiky and spiny things. It was actually hot here in the summer so some of my cacti had a holiday outside. Guess who I found snacking on them? Yep, hard as nails Gladys! She's already been having sly nips at the Christmas tree...

So yours love ginger too? I once accidentally dropped a piece of fiery crystallized ginger on the floor. There was an honest to goodness fight over it! 🤣
I've not had much luck growing my own in the past. I may give it another go. Do the leaves taste at all 'gingery'?
Well, no more sniffles or sneezes here. Still keeping the suspects separated and all have vits in water.
Got 14 eggs yesterday. That was pretty good being I have a waiting list.

Got a call from a repeat chicken buyer wanting the 8mo LB cockerel. I'm so happy though I did tell the guy I wanted to wait a week b4 letting him go.
I will miss "Santa" as he is a sweet heart and funny as can be but... less is more sometimes, especially with boy chickens.
Cloudy, dh got stepped on by my horse so laid low while he ices today lol.
I’m glad there isn’t any more sniffles or sneezes! And so cool to have found him a home. It is bittersweet, and even though I haven’t had to do it yet, I read all the love everyone has for their chickens and letting go is heartbreaking but joy at the same time. It’s always good to know they are going to a good home. I hope your DH foot feels better soon!
Let my dwarfs out to play today and was enjoying just watching one of my roos. He's such a good boy and I think he's my favorite dwarf roo. He was an in your face hamster as a youngling. He's more distant these days but he hasn't turned mean. His name is Brie❤️View attachment 3351489View attachment 3351490View attachment 3351493View attachment 3351494
He's so handsome! 😍😍😍
It's yet another breed I'd like to try but as ever, space is a huge problem. Plus availability. I think I've only seen hatching eggs for sale once :(

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