What did you get in your Holderread goose assortment?

Are you sure they still have sebastopols for sale?? I might have to get on that then..
I have placed two orders with Holderreads over the past three weeks. I have 6 pairs of Americans (Blue and Lavender Ice) that I am THRILLED with...but they have repeatedly told me that they are sold out of DAY OLD Sebbies. Maybe some adults still available....
I ended up with:
2 Embden
2 Buff African
2 Americans (one lavender and the other probably blue)
1 Tuffted Roman
and 1 incredibly precious Toulouse...wish I had more of her.

They have grown so fast and are such a bunch of pigs!! Now that the yard is fully fenced, I can let them out to get their own greens

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