What did you have for breakfast this morning?

I actually had a more traditional breakfast this morning; sausage with gravy and biscuits, fried eggs (over easy), and a slice of huckleberry pie.

Michael, aren't huckleberries a big deal in MT? Or maybe I'm thinking of a different berry.

I love pie for breakfast...hey, it's just like fruit and toast, right?
Michael, aren't huckleberries a big deal in MT? Or maybe I'm thinking of a different berry.

I love pie for breakfast...hey, it's just like fruit and toast, right?

Yes, Montana folks love huckleberries. The primary business of some stores and shops in the area is based on huckleberry products. They grow in large numbers here in the western mountains and foothills of Montana and they are delicious. :eek:)
Soup, my favorite food category by far!

I had to think hard and go way back to this morning to remember...

It was a toasted English muffin with a sausage patty, egg and cheese. Our home-made version of a McMuffin (and a lot better version if I may say so).
Oh I LOVE beef stroganoff ! Don't eat traditional breakfast foods, and sleep too late to eat in the morning. Today I had a handful of roasted pumpkin seeds ( too salty) then some Caffeine-free diet Dr.Pepper and a Snickers almond bar.
Today breakfast was homemade banana bread, yum! And LOTS of coffee.

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