What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Don't worry about getting back quickly...I saw your note. I understand internet problems. Ours can come and go and when it's working our old computers don't always. You're fine Alex

Todays breakfast was scrambled egg and cheddar cheese burrito. It could have used some of your avocado to really make it good!
Awwwww....thanks for being understanding.

Wow, your breakfast sounds amazing, with or without avocado (even though avocado does tend to improve that sort of thing

Nothing fancy for breakfast this morning...it was my old standby of apple and peanut butter.

What did everyone else do this morning?
DH didn't have to leave so early this morning so he fixed us breakfast sandwiches. English muffins with egg, cheese and sausage. Yum!

So far (knock on wood), we haven't had to buy eggs. But the neighbors that usually get their eggs from me have had to. Out of 10 girls I'm getting 2-4 eggs per day. I'll be so glad when they finish molting and the daylight hours start getting longer!
COTTAGE CHEESE, with scrambled eggs..........store bought sigh.......

Sounds like something I would feed my birds Berts...oh wait, I have fed them that

Actually, that's not a bad breakfast, full of protein.

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