What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Come on over! You can always show up for breakfast like I do...pj's, messy hair and one eye open!
Ha ha!
I'll probably look worse than that!

This morning I had scrambled eggs and Molasses muffins.

My kids had very hard to make (what ever happened to mickey mouse and bunny rabbits?!!) dinosaur pancakes with dinosaur 'turds' pieces and maple flavored corn syrup, yuck! They don't like real maple syrup... I had a couple over easy eggs on a normal round pancake, topped with molasses!! They thought I was gross,..mmm goood!
My kids had very hard to make (what ever happened to mickey mouse and bunny rabbits?!!) dinosaur pancakes with dinosaur 'turds' pieces and maple flavored corn syrup, yuck! They don't like real maple syrup... I had a couple over easy eggs on a normal round pancake, topped with molasses!! They thought I was gross,..mmm goood!

I do not do it myself, my girls get round pancakes, but i know a guy who fills a ketchup bottle with pancake batter. It allows him to make very detailed designs for his granddaughters pancakes.
We had pancakes this morning, regular old round ones but some had blueberries and some had strawberries in them. Nice treat for breakfast!
My kids had very hard to make (what ever happened to mickey mouse and bunny rabbits?!!) dinosaur pancakes with dinosaur 'turds' pieces and maple flavored corn syrup, yuck! They don't like real maple syrup... I had a couple over easy eggs on a normal round pancake, topped with molasses!! They thought I was gross,..mmm goood!
That's so hysterically funny!
Turds.....I'm dying!!!!!!

Good morning!

Nothing special here, a bowl of cereal, a few BYC posts then it's off to chores for me.

Have a good day everyone!

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