What do I do with the wound from here?

Welcome to BYC. I'm glad you moved them into the coop. Do you have a picture of your coop and chicks?
Thank you!
I do! Here's a quick pic I took right after we moved them into the coop itself and they started looking around, as well as a shot from outside the run area. I'll let them loose in the run soon. I didn't take a pic of it, but I've since added a little tiered bridge for them climb up on and get to the nesting nooks above, and I'll probably add another thing or two in there later to keep them busy/entertained without cluttering it too much. Their food and water was placed in the middle-ish and there's a heat lamp in the corner to the right that would be out of view of the camera from this angle. I'm going to be adding some things spread out in the run later on also. :)


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I did end up moving them just a little bit ago, after an incident with another one (not nearly as bad, but still broke some feathers). They seem a lot happier and they're all exploring the new space.

Thank you so much! I was a bit lost on what to do, as I thought they needed to be a little bigger before going out to the coop.
I've raised chicks in the coop from the first day they arrived after being shipped to NY from OH. I've also had broody hens hatch clutches when there were 6" of snow on the ground.
without cluttering it too much
Actually, the more clutter the better as far as a chicken is concerned. It will only help things if you add lots of "stuff"!
there's a heat lamp in the corner
Don't use it. You need to trust the people who have done it and not turn on that lamp. They will be fine. You have lots of bedding in there and they will huddle up for the night.
Thank you!
I do! Here's a quick pic I took right after we moved them into the coop itself and they started looking around, as well as a shot from outside the run area. I'll let them loose in the run soon. I didn't take a pic of it, but I've since added a little tiered bridge for them climb up on and get to the nesting nooks above, and I'll probably add another thing or two in there later to keep them busy/entertained without cluttering it too much. Their food and water was placed in the middle-ish and there's a heat lamp in the corner to the right that would be out of view of the camera from this angle. I'm going to be adding some things spread out in the run later on also. :)
Cute chicks, nice coop! 💖
Don't use it. You need to trust the people who have done it and not turn on that lamp. They will be fine. You have lots of bedding in there and they will huddle up for the night.
Why not use a heat lamp? I'm thinking because of a fire hazard, but I'm wondering if there's another reason?

I use a heat plate so that fire isn't as much of a concern, but is there a reason that you shouldn't use a little heat to transition them?
Welcome. I am so happy you have be given good advice so fast. I understand the trepidation; I have it also. This advice goes against the guidance given that says you start at 95 degrees and decrease 5 degrees per week while feathers are coming in. However, these temperatures are not the way it is done naturally. I am going to try it with my new chicks.
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