What do I need to know?


Free Ranging
8 Years
Jan 21, 2016
I might be getting Gunieas, not sure.
But I have a few questions.
How big do they get?Compaired to a Standerd BR or EE hen?
How loud are they?
Can they be housed with chickens?
Is it true they scare away Foxes and chase Hawks and Dogs?
Do they need a special Feed?
How big are there eggs and can you eat them?
How many females do you need per male?
I know a female guniea is called a Hen, but what is a male called?
Are they friendly?
Can I have just three?
I might be getting Gunieas, not sure.
But I have a few questions.
How big do they get?Compaired to a Standerd BR or EE hen?
How loud are they?
Can they be housed with chickens?
Is it true they scare away Foxes and chase Hawks and Dogs?
Do they need a special Feed?
How big are there eggs and can you eat them?
How many females do you need per male?
I know a female guniea is called a Hen, but what is a male called?
Are they friendly?
Can I have just three?

While guineas may look larger than they actually are, they are a small bird. Adult guineas will only dress at about 2 1/2 lbs. unless they are the Jumbo/French guineas that are bred for meat.

Guineas can be very loud. The hens buck-wheating almost non-stop in the spring as they seek mates and the entire flock going off with their alarm call are very loud. I have no trouble hearing mine from a 1/2 mile away.

There are exceptions but unless you have a very large coop in which the guineas and chickens can segregate themselves from each other it is not a good idea to house guineas and chickens together.

It has been reported that large flocks can indeed go after predators. I have never witnessed this behavior among my guineas. What a large flock of guineas can do does not apply to what just a few guineas can or will do.

Keets need a high protein turkey/gamebird starter for proper development. Adults can be fed a high quality layer feed of at least 15% protein. I feed my keets a 28% protein turkey/gamebird starter followed by a 24% protein turkey/gamebird grower. My adults get a 20% protein layer pellet with free choice oyster shell also available.

The eggs are about bantam sized and can be eaten. Some people prefer guinea egg over chicken eggs. The yolk appears to be a larger percentage of the egg than is the case with chicken eggs. Two guinea eggs are recommended as the equivalent of 1 chicken egg. Some have claimed that their chicken egg allergies are not affected by guinea eggs.

It is recommended to keep one hen for each cock (male guinea) as guineas tend to pair off.

Guineas are basically a captive wild bird and are not naturally "friendly". Using treats and much human/guinea interaction, can get them to adapt to what some people expect of their feathered pets.

Guineas are a flock bird so the recommended minimum is 10 guineas for a flock. Guineas have different mannerisms than any other domesticated poultry that can cause all kind of problems when trying to house them together with other poultry in confined spaces. Even with their small sizes they need a lot more "personal space" than chickens do. They tend to attack from the rear in groups and are feather pullers making them "terrorists" as far as other poultry are concerned.

Until you go through a breeding season with guineas, you really don't know what guineas can be like.

Good luck.
My guineas and chickens roost together in their small coop just fine. Took guineas longer than chickens to learn to go in at night though (lots of frustrating evenings chasing them!)

My guineas live in the same pen as chickens and ducks. Everyone does fine. The only problem is the guineas are aggressive to my chickens sometimes, especially anyone smaller than them.

As far as chasing off predators...nope. they alarm call so often I dont know when theyre serious. The one time I dont take them seriously, a coopers hawl snuck into the run and got a small hen. Ugh!

They haven't stopped predation really at all. Infact ive had flying things pick the guineas off as they sat on the roof of my house. Lost 4 guineas in 6 mths.

Plus of guineas dont want to stay in your run, they wont. Which is frustrating when trying to keep them safe. They are interesting and pretty but not my fav. They taste good though so maybe I'll raise them for meat. Otherwise I prefer ducks and chickens over guineas.

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