What do we do about a broody goose


7 Years
Aug 16, 2012
Up North MN
Our female brown chinese goose is determined to start a family even though it was -22 Degrees F this morning. She has laid some eggs which we have taken away and now she resorts to sitting on chicken eggs. I am worried that she is not moving around enough or getting enough to eat. We keep kicking her off the nest but she keeps going back.

Here is where she spends her day.
I think i would just keep making sure there are no eggs to sit on either goose or chicken. and get rid of the nest. so she doesn't have a place to sit. I have to do this with my broody hens, and ducks, haven't had to do it yet with my goose, she hasn't started laying yet. Persistence is the key here probably.
Thank you, she is such a sweet little goose. I hope she is interested again in a few months when it warms up.

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