What do we think now?


7 Years
Jan 22, 2013
Pictured last week at 11 weeks old.
Speckled Sussex boy or girl? If not a pullet, I hope puberty isn't going to turn him into a mean rooster. He's incredibly sweet right now. No crowing, wing flapping or strutting right now at age 12 weeks

That definitely looks like a cockerel. He's a bit too young to have the male specific feathers yet, though. Pullets don't start to turn red in the comb until about 14 to 16 weeks old. He looks like he's been pretty red for a while now.
I'm pretty sure I agree with you. I keep holding out hope. I really dislike roosters :(

His comb will fade to light pink when he's just relaxing on the roost, though, which confuses me even further. Was supposed to be sexed as pullet by Meyer (MyPetChicken).

When do they start to crow and strut and mate?

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