what do you do with a neighbors cat.

I have a similer problem, but this cat isn't owned by anyone. There is a pack of wild cats living in my backyard, and they have actually killed some of my chickens. Last year was when they did the most damage, but this year, I'm prepared- I got an airsoft gun.

With yours, I'd see if he tries to catch any chickens, but he sounds like he's just catching mice.
Maybe this cat is doing you a favor and maybe he isn't. Regardless, its not your animal and you don't want it in your coop. I completely understand. My dogs don't go in anyone else's yard and I don't want their animals in mine. Its just common courtesy. I think the catching it and squirting is a good idea. It doesn't hurt the cat, but would definitely deter it from coming back. Good luck!
so many good thoughts. This forum is full of wise people. I listen to the people talking about their cats being friends with the chickens and the ferrel cats killing the chickens. So my next question is has anyone ever had a cat that was a pet, kill a chicken? If the cat is someone's pet can I let my guard down a little and hope he's keeping the mice away? This cat is a pet but he's an outdoor type tom cat. You know the kind that comes home during the day to sleep and eat, and prowels all night doing cat stuff. He's solid white and very stelth, quick, quiet and athletic. We close the coop every night and we've seen him in the coop. He goes darting out before we make it to the coop so we're not sure if he's mousing or looking for something that tastes more like chicken.
I need evryones opinion so I can put all of them to gether for the right answer.
Thanks for your help.
If this cat was visiting my coop I'd put out a live trap AND try to locate its owner. If it belongs to a neighbor they need to do a better job of caring for it and keep it in their own yard. If it's a feral cat you can decide to take it to the pound or have it neutered & return it to your yard to hunt mice.

But I think a cat that hunts mice & rats wouldn't hesitate to kill a chick or a small chicken. You could take the chance to see if this one will start eating your chickens before trapping, or trap it now before it does any damage to your flock. I have caught cats in a live trap using smelly canned cat food, sardines, or catnip.

I've never found cats in the act of killing a chicken, but I think there was one who was taking one chick a day until I trapped him. Does anyone know if cats will kill more than one chicken at a time, the way dogs will?
If I was in your situation, I would wait until the cat's first offense. We have had feral cats hang around our coop, a few which have starved to death, and haven't had a problem with cats yet. Cats usually(I know there are exceptions people!) prefer smaller prey. If the cat is a pet it is most likely well-fed, so it will not hunt your chickens as food. I would think that a cat would need be hungry to take on something as large as a chicken, hence why most feline chicken-eaters are feral.

If the cat does bother the chickens, I would talk to his owners first, especially if you are on good terms with the neighbors. Most people are very understanding when it comes to their pets, and then there are those that aren't.

If the cat does something offensive, ask the owners to keep it contained, and if it occasionally gets out, be understanding(don't shoot or trap and remove it the first time it makes a 'great escape')

I don't think you will have a problem with it, but I could be wrong. Keep the chicks and smaller chickens secure, standards should be fine. The water hosing idea sounds like a good one, firecrackers(the loud ones that flash and pop) are a good "traumatic" deterent too.

I have one tame feral and 2-3... maybe even 4 ferals that run around here and haven't lost a single chick to the cats. I start to let the chicks free range at 3 weeks old and I'm sure if a cat got really hungry could eat one, but hasn't happened yet. There are always those exceptions though. My cat prefers mice and I see her swallow them whole... but once she caught a rabbit half her size and left it's leg on the porch... yuck!
We have 25 cats on average using our property and we support these ferals with shelter, food and water. There are several chicken operations around us, most are home flocks and no one discourages the cats because these properties have no rodents! *bonus*
I'd definitely keep the chicks somewhere more secure until they are older, but I'd take a 'wait & see' approach on this cat around your fully grown birds.

Have you ever seen rodent signs around your coop? This guy could be doing you a favor.

Another idea is to see if the daughter you give rides to could identify the cat, and see what he's doing in the coop. Tell them you aren't upset, just curious. Then you'd know who's cat it was for sure, let them know he was around your coop, and maybe see what he's up to if he's comfy with his 'own girl' checking on him while he's in there.

IMO, trapping and then squirting will just teach him to stay away from traps. If he does become a problem, either trap him to get rid of him or squirt him without trapping him.
I have alot of feral cats around here that I leave food out for and I have never seen a live rat around, oh I've seen a few dead one that are in the Jaws of death but they keep my rat and mouse pop. down. They will go to the run and look at the chickens but have never bothered them.
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