What do you do with cockerels that you can’t keep?

This is a good idea, for anyone who is interested in a story about giving animals to zoos, when I lived in the suburbs I had a neighbour who would go out hunting in the bush, one day him and his daughter killed an emu to eat (they are big flightless birds) soon after they did this, they noticed a group of baby emus come rushing out from nearby shrubs, about five or six of them. So now they felt bad one baby even tried to jump into the fire when they cooked there mum that night, they they gave that one the name Singy, because it got burnt a little. They brought these birds back to the suburbs, and had them in there yard, I got to play with them, they where cute stripy things. But they get really big so they donated em to a local zoo, it does like safari bus tours and stuff. And that's where they live still.. if they are still live.
Yeahh..... They meant to give the roosters to the zoo to feed meat eaters. Not to live their lives out
I would look on Kijiji. I have seen lots of people taking in unwanted cockerels/roosters. If you cant find that in your area I would also try to sell him on Kijiji or any other selling app. Don't recommend going to the humane society.
Wished I had seen this! I’ve been looking for a young rooster. 🙁 of course I have no idea where you’re located.. Hope he got a good home.
Yeahh..... They meant to give the roosters to the zoo to feed meat eaters. Not to live their lives out
Ah alright.
Also almost confident it's the dad that raises the emu chicks, not the mom
Right, didn't know that. Emus all kinds look the same hard to tell girl n boys apart. There awesome birds though, goofy yet serious nature about them.

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