What do you do with hens that lay bad eggs or no eggs at all?

X2 on the resting in the fridge for a few days. I've only culled one mean cuckoo Marans roo, but I knew I didn't want to bother with scalding and plucking for just one bird so I skinned him. Then I brined him in salt water in the fridge for two days. I wanted to roast him whole but was afraid he would be dry so I covered him with bacon because I figured it would hold the moisture in and add flavor. It was delicious!! Tasted like smoked chicken, num, num, num, lol :).

I've got four wyandottes. They all lay but one only lays nickel to quarter sized eggs.... I think she layed fine until she got kicked by one of the horses..... Since then I've been finding the fart eggs. All together, I've got two or three out of twenty hens of various breeds that don't lay (never have). I just let them hang out, but if I we're limited (by law or hoa) to just a few hens, I'd cull and eat and replace in order to keep up egg production.

We are all so different and our circumstances are all unique, you have to decide what's right for you :). Good luck with it
We just got done culling the Wyandotte. I'm glad we did, she was definitely an internal layer. She had 15-20 full sized yolks and several other smaller to tiny sized. We were shocked to see so many full size yolks. I'm guessing the egg process stopped at the yolks, the ones we saw were in there for a while, they were hard to break open and we did so with the sharp knife.

I'm assuming she was absorbing the yolks back into her body. I have no clue if she would of lived a full life, but I'm happy with our decision. The process was not difficult to watch and my husband and I did it together. We kept her skin on by my request as the cook.

We are keeping the EE and will continue to feed her eggs back to the flock.
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I'm cooking the meat tomorrow along with chicken nuggets. The kids are not too keen on eating her, but we'll see. It looks like a good chicken to eat. I've heard they are really good,

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