What do you do with your infertile incubated eggs??

Hi! Eggs that candle clear / infertile on Day 6 get boiled and fed back to the chickens (dogs if they are begging when they smell eggs).
I have to admit I scrambled some Day 6 clears from MY eggs and *tested* them against fresh scrambled eggs.
My husband didn't notice a difference in taste or texture (and he likes them hard scrambled, so they were thoroughly cooked).
I wouldn't hesitate to use them as long as they were well-cooked.
Good luck!

I've discovered that rotten eggs are good for keeping deer away from things like newly planted apple trees in my garden. I've been hanging them in little mesh bags in the trees.

This morning, I was walking the dog and got a wiff of a bag -- almost tossed my breakfast, but Bambi hasn't touched the tree since I put them there, and the stupid deer had stripped it back in May. Now its putting on fresh new growth.
I've never had that many but I take all clear infertile eggs and scramble them up with the 2 doz or so eggs my chickens get every week. I've only had to do that a couple of times. I have 65 chickens and once a week usually Sun. they all get scramled eggs.
I have a coupla places across the city I use as bait piles and I bait predators with them I know where the preds will be opening day of trapping season if you keep a "bait pile" 200-400 yards from your coop they tend to eat the "easy" food and not mess with your birds

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