What do you feed your 3-4 month old chickens?

All of my chickens seem to find great things in most any type of manure other than their own! I was told the protein content in moist feeds is excessive and a lot gets shot out into the manure, so it is a great treat for my girls to get into the goat pasture for "berries." I am not surprised other folks have their hens eating the same......Oh and yes, the eggs are darker gold and taste much better than most. I have found hens and babies will eat most anything as long as it is small enough or they can peck off pieces. Including Styrofoam!!! I know, I know....not good, but one day they pecked a rotted wood board and found the insulation. Truth be told, they liked the blue better than the pink or white! Stopped it as soon as I saw what had happened, but every now and then they find a spot to peck.....(And I thought they were smart....) Enjoy the birds! They give back so much.
I agree. I think for the most part they know what they can eat and what they cant. I've been following this thread loosely for a while and the different opinions are very good. I have to wonder though if the timing of starting the different types of feed is really that critical. Especially the instance of whether to start the layer feed at 16 weeks or wait til they are actually laying. My feeling is that if it's a little early or late it can't be that big a deal. As long as they are eating. After all when you start them on layer feed the roosters are eating it too and it doesn't hurt them right? Also when they are babies if they get to free range they will eat bugs and beetles and it's all what they were really meant to eat. Please don't misunderstand me... it's great to work out a feed schedule for us so we keep track of their nutrition but if it varies a little it's not the end of the world..... just my opinion.
I actually have two baby monitors in with my girls. I want to know if they are talking about me behind my back! I have killed quite a few raccoons thanks to those monitors! They didn't have a chance to even get the girls to respond! My girls were Easter chicks so they are about 17 weeks and two days old now. They are still on grower feed and about 10% scratch for fun. They love sprouted seeds and fresh greens, and once...I let them have a little bit of my left over steak. They ate it up! I can hardly wait for them to start laying. At midnight, one of the girls is making a coo-ing sound like a purr. Is that the "hang on sloppy, I'm gonna lay eggs soon" song? She actually came out of the roost/nest house one night around 10:30 p.m. so I checked on her. Guess she was just dealing with insomnia that night. I wish I had the infa-red camera to figure out which one is singing! Maybe I'll get one for Christmas! Oh, I'm onto my next adventure. I bought an incubator and fertile eggs on eBay. Automatic... wish me luck!
I feed mine layer crumbles. They will also eat anything that will pass through a kitchen !!!!!!!!!!
My chickens were born May 19th and now I have them on 16% crumbles. I read you are suppose to reduce the protein and slow down the growth as it's healthier for them. I feed them greens from my garden, a banana which they are crazy for, and a scoop of cracked corn each day along with the crumbles in their feeder. I also put Bragg vinegar in their water 2 TBS a gallon.
I feel that the babies raised by their mother's learn to eat everything from the get-go it doesn't hurt the others that don't have a mommy. I have raised mine on layer mash, crumbles, scratch, all the kitchen scraps and they are free range and eat whatever they dig out of the ground and all the bugs they can find. I have healthy girls and boys. As was said in another reply, "when they were a kid they fed what they had" and we did too.
This is the first time I have had chickens and ducks. I got all of them a day old. I named all 8 chickens and 2 ducks. the chickens appear to be all female. But the ducks I started calling Daisy and Daffney are now Donald (Mallard) and maybe Daffy. We are unsure of the sex of the White Puff headed duck. We were hoping it a girl but it doesn't look that way. From the time they all started getting adult feathers I have been giving them fresh greens daily. They only eat when I chop it up to small bites. My sister says these are the most spoiled and well feed fowl she knows (LOL) . They can be picky. HA HA. But they like spinach, different kinds of lettuce, cabbage (chopped finely), cucumber shredded. They don't care for radishes, celery, or carrots. Even though I do shred the carrots. They are now 4 months old. I was debating on starting them n laying mash but now that I've read you post I think I'll wait. But If I don' show up with their greens each evening they complain very loudly. So I guess they will continue to be the most spoiled fowl my sister knows.
Welcome to BYC. I start mine on layer crumbles or pellets about 6 months. I have way too many chickens to keep up with who is laying & whos's not.
You may want to post an introduction of yourself in the new members section so you can recieve a nice warm welcome! :D. :welcome
At 4 months of age I put the pullets on layer feed but I put the roosters on grower feed. At that age, I separate the pullets and cockeralls. I do not give treats to them until they are over 6 months. 3-4 month olds are given granite grit in a feeder. At about 5 months I give calcium to give harder shells on the eggs.
I let my chickens be chickens and they will eat anything except raw tater skins...even the little ones will catch a small snake...mine have been eating grower/finisher they are 4 months...the feed bag from tractor supply has the chart of what they eat when and that's what I go by...love this site

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