What Do you feed your ducks?

So do you feed the little guys(ducklings) this too or just the over 18 week crowd?

The 28% is a starter. I feed everyone that all the time regardless of age.

What is it that they need so they don't have leg issues? Niacin? Do the feeds have it already or is that why we need to feed greens?

Yes...Niacin. The amount in the feed differs from brand to brand. I keep brewer's yeast tablets on hand and give the babies some in their water from time to time to give them an extra boost.​
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Thanks Z

I knew you'd have the answers
D'Angelo N Va. :

Ok, well my ducks were just born the week before Easter. Making them about 5 weeks old now...what should I be feeding them? I have game bird non medicated and it's about to run out. What is the next thing I will get or will I continue with the same thing. I live near a Southern States and they don't carry Purina...

i have quail and ducks also.Southern States sells their brand Unmedicated gamebird crumbles but here i have to call them and ask them to order it for me. My ducks are a month old .I feed them gamebird crumbles and have started adding some chicken feed that's unmedicated to their feed this past week.They get handfuls of chopped grass and dandelion greens every day.i also let them out to graze for a bit while i'm weeding the vegetable garden whenever i have enough time that i can be with them so they're safe..​
i have quail and ducks also.Southern States sells their brand Unmedicated gamebird crumbles but here i have to call them and ask them to order it for me. My ducks are a month old .I feed them gamebird crumbles and have started adding some chicken feed that's unmedicated to their feed this past week.They get handfuls of chopped grass and dandelion greens every day.i also let them out to graze for a bit while i'm weeding the vegetable garden whenever i have enough time that i can be with them so they're safe..

Thanks so much. I do appreciate it. I have used my last bit of food tonigt and was heading to the feedstore in the a.m. before going off to work. How long should I keep them on this?
Same here, Babe. I can't find any duck feed around here either,
so I feed them what I feed my chickens, and my ducks are fat and healthy. They also get cornbread and can corn with my girls, (chickens), every other day or so when I get around to baking it. They like it so much, they all sit by the back door waiting for me to come out..
(it's funny). I know a lot of folks feed Dumor from TSC, their choice, but I don't like it. I'm lucky to be near 2 mills, so I can get 14% protein crumbles.. works good.
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We've got ducks and geese and they eat DuMor Chick Starter/Grower as it says right on it, that its made for "Chickens, ducks, geese, quail, turkeys, pheasants and chukar". It includes Niacin supplements and is a 20% mix so it's just right for ducklings & geese up to 10 weeks old.
I went to Southern States today and asked for non-medicated duck feed and they gave me what looks like starter/grower non-medicated.....is that ok? I didn't get home right away and therefore didn't notice it until I went to feed them. This is after the Store had closed. will it be ok????
D'Angelo N Va. :

I went to Southern States today and asked for non-medicated duck feed and they gave me what looks like starter/grower non-medicated.....is that ok? I didn't get home right away and therefore didn't notice it until I went to feed them. This is after the Store had closed. will it be ok????

Should be. I feed my ducklings chick starter (non-medicated) and just add niacin to their water.​
They also mention "A feeding program is only as effective as the management practices followed."

That is a lawyer caveat. But it's also why I let my flock free range and give them treats like greens and mealworms. They get what they find in the yard as well as stale crackers, bread crumbs and stuff like that. But their favourite food seems to be my hostas.

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