What do you feed your Red Golden Pheasants?


In the Brooder
Apr 7, 2019
Hi, I am getting some Red Golden Pheasants and I know that I will feed them game bird feed but I want to know what else they eat.
You'll want to feed them a complete and balanced gamebird feed of at least 24% protein.
My birds are in planted aviaries so they forage on the vegetation. Clover, various grasses. I occasionally give them either BOSS or white sunflower hearts. When it's extremely cold, at least cold for my location I'll give them some scratch grains in the afternoon before they roost...helps with keeping their body temp up during cold spells.
Pieces of cucumbers, celery, kale, unsalted peanuts and mealworms make for good 'treats'.
Goldens like to perch on the highest places that are available to them, I have several perches in each pen so the hens can get away from a aggressive male during the breeding season. Also several under the shelter to get out of inclimate weather if they choose. HTH and good luck with your birds.
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I just picked up a pair of yellow Golden’s and I’m looking for red Golden’s. They’re in quarantine now but eventually when I build my pen for my peas I want to put a pair in with each pea breeding trio. This should be ok right? I’m not sure how old mine are as they don’t have the full golden color. Could anyone help me in how they are? They are both male and one basically scalped the other so I had to separate them. Any help would be great. 22D0FABE-030F-4E12-8FDD-6F3E5362C7AF.jpeg
Besides the game feed, I give mine fresh fruit(1/2 frozen watermelon is a big hit in the summer), fresh veggies from the garden, bird seed/scratch mix, and rice/pasta mix. Most are just treats so that they get used to interacting with me. If they get a good balanced feed and can forage a bit, everything else is enrichment.
I just picked up a pair of yellow Golden’s and I’m looking for red Golden’s. They’re in quarantine now but eventually when I build my pen for my peas I want to put a pair in with each pea breeding trio. This should be ok right? I’m not sure how old mine are as they don’t have the full golden color. Could anyone help me in how they are? They are both male and one basically scalped the other so I had to separate them. Any help would be great.View attachment 1769138
To me those look like juvenile Red Goldens not Yellow Goldens. Here's a couple pics of juvenile Yellow Goldens.

Male Yellow Golden

3 Males
As far as age of yours, somewhere around the 1 year mark.

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