What do you gather eggs in?! Pics?

I have several baskets and scoops and I never remember to bring any of them, so I generally have pockets and/or a t-shirt full of them. I have had several break in my pocket, a few go through the laundry, and one that mummified in the pocket of my hubby's winter jacket (he forgot to take it out of there when he hung it up in the spring last year and we found it when we took it out to clean it this winter). Thank goodness it didn't break.
I use my hand. I have 4 hens, so I get 3-4 eggs per day. Easy to carry in my hand. OR, I put them in the pot/bowl I brought the dinner scraps out to the chickens with.

I've got this deal. They are advertised as egg baskets and AKA golf range ball baskets. This one is too tall /big for my 9 hens. I will never fill it in one day. I've looked at the smaller ones which are more appropriate. Sometimes if I let the egg drop in the basket just a little bit it will crack the egg on the firm wire. I like it...but usually eggs are collected twice a day in my carhart pockets.
A tee shirt you have one, an old Easter basket, a Folgers coffee can works great, a wire basket, a large bowl, any sort if vessel will work. I got a new clearance Easter basket on clearance for mine, but have used all of the above methods. :)
At the moment I just carry them in my hoodie pocket. With the upcoming warmer weather and the hoodie no longer being necessary I'll have to use my little red basket instead...
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