What do you gather eggs in?! Pics?

A red plastic basket from the Dollar Store.
I have a green one too.

[not my hand or actual basket...actually found the picture online]
I bought 3 wire baskets with handles from the Dollar Tree, each a different color. so when the grandkids come over, they have their own baskets.
I only have 13 hens and I gather 2x day but the baskets will hold almost 2 dozen eggs easily. The color basket looks nice on the counter too as i do not put my eggs in the fridge for a couple of days after gathering
I'm also one of those pocket collectors, but not as much since the weather has turned warm. I now carry them in my rolled up shirt. I've been lucky...I've only broken one egg in my pocket and that is when the run door came back and hit my coat pocket. I was lucky more didn't crack. Seen some great ideas.
I use a wire basket I got from TSC. I will never fill it in one go but I like I can fit a couple days eggs in it. Have to be careful not to drop the egg in but still nice. And if it gets dirty I just rinse it off.

(not my picture)
Just cardboard egg cartons for me. They are just what we have laying around so I use them. :)
I have always just used my shirt or sweatshirt pockets.

I only have a few chickens, so I haven't ever gotten around to getting a basket.
Hehe, nice. Just don't trip or your pockets will be wet and sticky.
I've done that before. Not the best feeling in the world.
Glad to see there are so many pocket collectors. I do it to. I usually just carry the eggs in my hands, since I get about three eggs a day. But if I end up doing a last minute chore or have to carry something else, they go right in a pocket. I have not broken one yet. I did buy a clearance easter basket that I will use once my other little ones begin to lay. I cannot imagine seven or eight eggs in pockets. That's asking for trouble. I also have an egg skelter which I love! Keeps eggs neat on the counter and in order of the day they were collected. This way, you're always using the oldest egg first.

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