What do you get with White Ameracuanas in a BBS Ameracuanas pen

moving coops

6 Years
Jan 5, 2017
I am buying hatching eggs from a lady and just wondering what you get for colors when white Ameracuanas are in BBS pen? I understand blues but adding a white I don't know? Will I get whites? Would love some whites!
It depends on if they are recessive or dominant white. If dominant, you will hatch whites from them but they could have a few dark feathers.

If recessive, you will hatch splits. Bred back to their parents or a sibling, they could produce whites.
My question would be more, why is the "breeder" doing that? Do THEY know what is going to hatch? What is their understanding of genetics?
My question would be more, why is the "breeder" doing that? Do THEY know what is going to hatch? What is their understanding of genetics?

I thought that @moving coops has or is getting a pen of BBS Ameraucana, and wanted to add whites to see what happens. If that isn't what is meant, I agree, why is the breeder putting them together?
No it is the breeder that has them this way! I would separate as long as I had a roo and hen! But I am guessing now if I get hers they may now be bred white to white so even if I happen to get a white roo and hen from the hatch if I put them together they won't breed true because probably crossed with the others!

Maybe she she wanted the color in the pen and wants to simplify pen space n---- not sure really! I tried asking her the color questions and she never answered though asked a few times! That is why I came here to big you guys! I really would like some solid white!

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