What do you think of the "Twilight" Series?

What do you think of the "Twilight" series?

  • I LOVE it!

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  • I can't stand it!

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  • I don't really know what it is.

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  • It's OK, but not great.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have heard about it, but don't really care that much

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Too mushy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Too weird

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  • Boring

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  • Other

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How so? If you don't mind explaining
I am a little lost on the abusive relationship part ... I really didn't get that from it.

First, let me say that there is nothing wrong with enjoying the book. I don't want to ruin anyone's reading experience. But I understand fowltemptress' point.

Bella loosing herself in Edward. She really doesn't have much of a connection with her 'friends' at school. Her entire existence seems to rotate around Edward. That is not romantic, it is unhealthy. I have known women-and men-like this and none of the relationships turned out well. Edward is very controlling. There is never given a reason-at least in the first book-as to why he would want Bella. It never appears that he views her as anything more then an object to be obsessed with.

As long as you understand the faults in the romance, I don't think that the books are harmful. Most people, I hope, see the weakness of the Bella/Edward relationship and understand that obsession is not love.
Oh, yes, please, don't let anyone deter you from reading something you enjoy. I may come off overly strong on this topic because of a good friend who idolizes Bella for very disturbing reasons, and who was inspired by these books to quit attending her college courses and devote herself entirely to a man who is as big a creep as Edward. It was a crappy way to be introduced to these books and has tainted my opinion forever, but it certainly is not the author's job to be sure everyone realizes her characters are not great examples of people . . . it's her job to write a book people love to read. Clearly, she's got that covered, so kudos to her for that.
I understand the Bella hate, but I don't entirely agree with it. Bella is stronger than we give her credit for, but she's quiet about it.
Her passive stubborness manifests as a supernatural ability in the fourth book. Edward is a pushy domineering blob of a man, but he is also wonderful to her, so she sucks it up and calmly ignores his "rules".
Part of the beauty of the series, beyond the marketing and the bad writing, is the wonderful story of two trainwrecks who fall in love and somehow manage to heal each other and find happiness.
Aboslutely Loved the Twilgiht saga.....New Moon was the " fill in" book needed to be there but sucked just as well.............i read all of the books in about 1 and 1/2 weeks and couldn't put them down. I so wish that people would stop hating on this book and just let the author and the book series be. Movies are pretty good so far, but books are so much better!!!!!
i love it...but i think it is a bit over rated it is only a MOVIE/BOOK.... i read on yahoo that isabella and jacob are now the top ranked baby names....come on!
I voted "love it" for the poll, but for the books only. The movies are interesting, but so many details are left out in them. I liked the books very much and enjoyed them!
Jacob has always been at the top ... but did you read where people where naming their babies Cullen instead of Edward????
I work in a used/new independent book store. We have sold a ton of these books. I read Twilight after many parents wanted to know if it was ok for their girls to read, it was ok ( took 4 hours). then I read new moon. I hated it. that her life stops because the man leaves ugh. so I have not finished the series. I have 15,000 other books at my finger tips. For adults who enjoy the paranormal romance ( the hottest books right now) I would recommend Charline Harris, or Katie MacAlister. Jim Butcher writes great books that blend paranormal and mysteries. If you like something a little, OK a lot racier, try Laurel K. Hamilton, she is a St. Louis author.

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