What do you think of this TSC coop


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2017
I'm not crazy about a pre-fab coop but it looks like the direction we will go at least for now until we get a better set up built. What do you guys think of this one? I have 7, 4 buff orpingtons, 2 black australorps, and one EE. They are all between 2-4 weeks so we still have a little time. They will be free ranging part of the time also and we plan to add about a 12x12 run of extra space.
I will share a little personal experience with you:

I love the way many TSC chicken coops look, and have purchased many of them. However, they are built VERY cheap. The materials are good and eveything, but after a few rains and chicken use, they just wear out. My current one, which is not very large, is under a year old. It can still hold chickens, but the hinges are loose, and the panels not longer stay together.

Overall, for some, they may be good coops, but I would look into something that would last longer before blowing $300+, even if it involves building a coop.
You just have to paint it inside and out and it will last quite a while. Also, put wood or bricks underneath the base so that the wood doesn't rot out. The additional run space is a really good idea
None yet mine are still in the brooder- I am looking at expanding it I think but final size will determine how many hens I keep- with straight run chicken purchases I have a few backup plans depending on hen house size and hen count

Picked up this coop the other day and got it out together this afternoon. Husband said it went together pretty easy. I am happier with it than I thought..it is much more sturdy than I figured it would be. We will still need to add extra run space but all in all I am pleased. Just wanted to share in case anyone else was looking at this one!

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