What % do you tip when you eat out??


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 4, 2010
Dillsburg, PA
I'm a server in the food industry and its sickening sometimes to recieve what people feel is adequate compensation for my service. Most people don't realize that as a server my hourly rate is only $2.83/hour, all of which goes towards taxes leaving me with $0 paychecks every week. Basically what i'm saying is that your tip is my entire livelyhood. Sorry i need to inform everyone and blow off some steam.

So, my question to you. What do you tip?
Im just a kid but I took me and my girllfriend out tonight for dinner and it costs $20 and the service sucked so I left $5 which is still good. I would usually leave 7 or 8 dollars.
20% is great. It's just killer when I get those tables that have $100 bills and feel its ok to leave a $10 tip. I know they are happy because they give you what i like to call the verbal tip. "You gave great service, thanks so much"
Im so with you! I use to wait tables and we only got paid $2.13 an hour. Which was maybe $20 left after taxes for a two week period. People are VERY surprised to learn how little waiters make.
I always leave a minimum of 10% even if the service is lousy. I might complain to management if that was the case. But usually the problem is the management. I then never go back. But most of the time I tip between 15% and 20%. Here in Washington State the sales tax is between 8 and 9% so if a person doubles the sales tax the average is 16 to 18%.

I do know that no one should have to pay to serve me. Wait staff pays taxes based on a percentage of the total cost of the meal. Therefore if you don't tip the wait staff is actually paying to serve the patron. That is wrong. It is wrong that it is legal to pay anyone in the USA 2.83 per hour. Here in Washington State minimum wage is over 8 dollars an hour, and that includes wait staff. A person working for that would still have a very difficult time supporting themselves, given the cost of housing and transportation.

If a person can't afford to tip then they should eat at restaurants that don't have wait staff.

I will just have to mention that I have never worked at waiting tables.
Most people don't realize that as a server my hourly rate is only $2.83/hour

that is terrible, I'm shocked
I usually tip between 10 to 20% depends on the service. Most restuarants the servers are paid between $10- $15 per hour and then tips on top, they are making a good wage. Its hard work I've done it.
If they are a good server and fast then they can make more than my husband's and my hourly wage put together.

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