what do you use for bedding in your coop straw or shavings?


8 Years
Dec 29, 2011
I was just wondering what you guys use I have always used shavings i got some that has ceder in to so it make the coop smell great all the time! Any way I don't like straw because it get matted easy and it makes it hard to clean up poo everyday
I use shredded paper for my nesting boxes...I have a cross cut shredder for my documents. I fill the nesting boxes right up. I have found that it is easy to clean out of the nesting boxes when it is dirty, it seems to be comfortable for the chickens to sit on, it decomposes in my compost pile quickly, and it is an added measure of security...since after the papers are shredded, I don't think that ANYONE is going to go to my chicken coop to try to piece my documents back together to steal my information. I'm not sure if it is a recommended bedding, but I've been using it in my hen house for about five years. I do have straw on the ground for my ducks, only because they seem to make a mess of everything, the paper just turns to mush with the littlest bit of water...

It's very inexpensive...since most of it is junk mail and/or bills that are no longer needed...
I use pine straw on the ground inside the coop, but my chickens have a roost they sleep on. If your chickens sleep on the ground or the floor in the coop then I would use shavings. Try putting the straw under the shavings.
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PINE shavings for me.
Easy for me to clean and smells fresh.

I am not so sure you should use cedar shavings. I have read that it is hard on the chickens lungs.
I always use straw, Its free at our CO-OP and the chickens love it, and they enjoy eating it too!
I live in Florida and have pine trees everywhere so I use actual pine needles in my coops. They enjoy eating the tips where theres a bit of sap. Cheap as it gets lol
for all of you who just read the last thing i meant it was pine mixed with cedar so there isn't much of it not the other way around!!
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