what do you use in your nest boxes?

I use hay. Always have. It's easier to get than straw (around here) and cheap. Never had a problem with mites. I pack it in to each nestbox thick and the girls don't kick it out. They just make nice little "bowls' it to deposit their eggs.
I use shredded paper. Once it gets soiled, it goes to the compost bin. One of my speckled sussex hens has decided that none of the nest boxes are good enough for her. She will actually pack the shredded paper to "her special place" and use it to build her nest with..
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Roosting in the next box probably has less to do with what you use in the box than with how big or, more specifically, how high they are. You want to keep the next box high enough for them to get in, but not so high that it is comfortable to roost in there. For standard-sized breeds, stay around 12-14 inches in height, and you can further reduce the tendency to roost, by providing a 2-inch lip at the top and bottom so the opening is only 10 inches or so. That way they don't roost on the edge of the box with their butts inside pooping away all night.

Good luck.

I use pine that is very finely cut and looks like straw. It is made to be used as a packing material for fragile items.
The hens work it into a basin shape the same as they would with straw, but it stays completely dry, and does not pack down.
Mine is lined with carpet reminent then either straw or shavings depending on what I have around. I was having a lot of cracked eggs until I put the carpet in, the chickens would scoot the straw/shavings around a leave the bare wafer board
No more problems since the carpet was put in.
To keep the mites down in the nest box, put chunk of a lemon grass leaves in first and put hays or straws on top of it. It sure keep the mites problem down, especially for folks in the zone 7 to 10.

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