What do YOU use to collect your eggs?

I made this for My wife. She uses it to keep the hens from under her feet, and occasionally to chase off a mean rooster.

Same here I've used my 4 zip up pocket jacket all the time if am doing morning chicken chores, and use small baskets lined with cheese cloth/table napkins at end of day egg collection after work. I did the shirt thing collection before, I end up dropping eggs since I forget to hold on the other side of the shirt LOL
, it was over 100 ft walk to our back door.



Wow! That's beautiful! I love all the different colored eggs! What kind of chickens do you have? :)
I use my pockets. Pajamas, usually. And then I get distracted and find myself doing some chore while I still have egg-pockets. I can't have them visible or else it's me vs. the Egg Police (one of my hens thinks I'm a burglar)!
Oh my gosh.... this is kind of shameful. But every year I buy my family a gift basket for the holidays from wineandcountrygiftbaskets.com ..... I typically choose them based on which basket I want to use the following year to collect the eggs ..... >_>
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Wow! That's beautiful! I love all the different colored eggs! What kind of chickens do you have? :)

We got 10 different kinds, Leghorns, Wyandottes, Easter Eggers, French Copper Marans, RIR, Black Australorps, Black Sex links, New Hamps, Speckled Sussex, Blue Marans, Ameraucana, Welsummers, & Buff Orpington. Did you got bored yet ??? Ha ha I think that was 13 different breeds and we don't wash our eggs if you care to know lol.

The first year we just want fresh eggs period, 2nd year we want some dark eggs, 3rd year we want some colored eggs, the 4th Year we want some more kinds. That's how you'll end up with chicken fuzzy math. Then repeat LOL
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Oh my gosh.... this is kind of shameful. But every year I buy my family a gift basket for the holidays from wineandcountrygiftbaskets.com ..... I typically choose them based on which basket I want to use the following year to collect the eggs ..... >_>

Ha ha ha basket collector??? Or an egg collector?

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