What do YOU use to collect your eggs?

I just shove them in my pocket..... I have accidentally sat on a couple over time, but I never bother to bring a basket with me- I just collect eggs and top up the food and water whenever I happen to be passing the coop.
I use boxes with pine shavings inside, but I have about ten chickens and only get about one egg a day. Is there any better methods that can be used to help chickens lay eggs, if there are any better methods I haven't heard of them. If you have any suggestions please let me know!
I use boxes with pine shavings inside, but I have about ten chickens and only get about one egg a day. Is there any better methods that can be used to help chickens lay eggs, if there are any better methods I haven't heard of them. If you have any suggestions please let me know!
Welcome to BYC!
If I have a coat on the eggs get shoved in the pockets. But if I have no pockets (which is most of the time) I take my wire basket out to put the eggs in. It came from the dollar tree
I would just carry them in my pocket, but that isn't easy when you have 20 eggs to collect every evening! So I usually use a classic egg basket (love using it) But most of the time when I carry a small bucket to the coop filled with feed, I just use the empty bucket to carry the eggs.
My hubby's awesome aunt saw an egg-gathering apron on https://shop.magnoliamarket.com, and she so sweetly thought of me! She sent it to me "just because," and I love it. I'm always doing something when I go out to gather eggs - cleaning, feeding, watering, turning over a straw bale so the girls can hunt the bugs...my apron lets me avoid an extra trip or trying to find someplace to put the eggs while I play outside ;-)
My hubby's awesome aunt saw an egg-gathering apron on https://shop.magnoliamarket.com, and she so sweetly thought of me! She sent it to me "just because," and I love it. I'm always doing something when I go out to gather eggs - cleaning, feeding, watering, turning over a straw bale so the girls can hunt the bugs...my apron lets me avoid an extra trip or trying to find someplace to put the eggs while I play outside ;-)
I was wondering about those things....if they were actually functional in reality.
Cause basically it's just pockets...so pocket omelets are a real concern(tho easier to clean up I guess-haha)
..and you still have to remember to put it on. :D
I was wondering about those things....if they were actually functional in reality.
Cause basically it's just pockets...so pocket omelets are a real concern(tho easier to clean up I guess-haha)
..and you still have to remember to put it on. :D
In all honesty, I think I only remember it because it was just such an unexpected and thoughtful gift. I don't want it to go to waste!

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