What Do You Want Added To The BYC Forum & Site?

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Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately that's not something we can do right now without making the forum much less efficient. As stated in the thread below, this is something that comes up quite often will all forums, but until there is a way to make sure this doesn't impact the forum in a negative way I don't want to load it on the forum:

BUT... this being said, it is on my other list of things to keep an eye on.

Keep the ideas coming! So far it sounds like there is a tie between a private message system and extended smilies, followed up by chat. Is that correct?

Any other thoughts / suggestions?
ok...this might be a lot to ask...but I thought I'd give it a shot....

On the very first forum page...you can tag everything as read.....can that be done within each category (not asking for each thread). I use it on EZ and it's one of the features I really like.

imho. I vote for the smileys (a real surprise, huh Rob?) then definately pm. I'm not much on chat since the few times I've visited there they were into things I'm not interested in. But I know it's veeery important to many folks so we definately need chat. btw-I think you're doing a great job!

teapot smiley
Smileys...PM messages...I'm all for them, and chat too, but I'm sure that it will take some time to get chat working correctly.

What has happened about the picture posting? I vaguely remember that you were thinking about setting it up so we could post direct from our "C" drive without loading pics into a service such as photobucket, if we wanted to do it that way.
I don't mind using photobucket, but my computer is so slow, it takes forever to get my pics loaded into it.

Also could you put in an avatar and picture posting sticky with detailed instructions...for all of us who never remember from one time to the next, and for the newbie's who get frustrated, since every forum I've posted on has different methods of posting pics, and it gets confusing at times.

I think the site is really getting off to a great start, and you have done a wonderful job on it.

Can we send you smileys and emot's for consideration?

I don't understand the difficulty of making the links change color when visited. Just add the below line under the head. Simple HTML script doesn't slow things down.

<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000FF" vlink="#8E236B" alink="#FF0000" >


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#0000FF" vlink="#8E236B" alink="#FF0000" >
Chicken_Lover, I appreciate the thought, but without getting into all the gory details, there are very good reasons why most of the forum applications don't do this. But, even if implemented, this wouldn't provide the feature that has been requested... to have individual topics be marked as read and others not marked as read. Main reason... what if you read ia topic, then there are new posts, and come back later... these would still be marked as "visited" or read. What if you use different computers throughout the day like I do? Home, work, school, etc? Visited links wouldn't help.

I've added your feedback / idea to the list... nothing is being disregarded... things are just being prioritized.
It seems to me what is being asked for is the blue links change color after clicked on, just like the ezBYC site. The HTML script I suggested for the visited links, I got from the ezBYC site. I would have to assume the majority only have one computer, so this would work for most.

As far as gory details, hit me with it, I'm a webmaster.

If migration is desired, all the bells and whistles that people want, need to be added. (This site has been up for a month) For me when I want to read some chicken threads, ezBYC is the no brainer first choice. It has all the features and DATA. Comparing the traffic from both sites, I'm not the only one. You would actually want more features than ezBYC so people prefer this site.

Text (PM's and chat included) and emotions take very little bandwidth. Take ezBYC as a example, it's not slow.

If you would like some help, feel free to PM me. We could keep it our little secret.
Hey Chicken_Lover, thanks for your comments. Yes, let's take some of the vlink discussion off line, I think there are some things we can definitely work together on.

One point of quick clarification, you said, "If migration is desired, all the bells and whistles that people want, need to be added." That isn't necessarily true. Many people are much happier here then they are at ezboard. While it is true that some will miss a few of the features at ezboard, may have found that the overall user experience is better. There are features here that are not found at ezboard, like a whole forum search, faster experience (just ask the dialup people) and a slew of other items.

Also, more is not always better. There is a reason why the "slimmed down" versions of forums are so very popular (see punbb, SMF, etc.) is because they tend to be faster, secure, easier to maintain. The do everything forum applications not only tend to be slower and harder to maintain, but they tend to be less secure and more buggy (see ezboard, phpbb, etc.).

Yup, a lot of people are still at ezboard, which is fine. I'll venture to say (because of what I've heard, seen, and discussed) that many of them aren't big fans of change and old habits are often very hard to break. I never developed the ezboard habit because I always hated their software, especially the inability to search all topics, and when my super long and fun first thread was deleted and gone forever after only 3 months.... that was the last straw in my ezboard relationship.

Anyway, I digress
I'm open to suggestions and discussion, but I'm not going to do anything that will cause this site to go down the path it did with the previous owner, or down the ezboard / yuku path.
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